Sorry, i hit enter without my story!
Well, a good friend calls me last night practically cussing because she is so upset. She is a Witness, a big ol' a big one. She's been having trouble with a former friend slandering her name all over town. This friend has now joined forces with the Gay boy from the Congo. I know I know big oxymoron right? When I me this gentleman, i thought, he's as gay as they come. His question to me was, which congo was i with, to which i replied I'm not a Witless. He very flamboyantly asked my friend why is she here?! Cracked me up. Well he is now slandering her name all over the congos probably because of her association with my husband and me among other things. He is a two faced BIYACH!
My question is this, how can i be judged by such hypocrites?! None of them have Witnessed to me (thankfully), are they assuming my husband has? Why are they so worldly unto eachothers eyes but no to the older people in the congragations? Such pieces of $hit! I hope my friend sees the light one day.