What about the salamanders? Please explain carefully how the observational evidence that Ridley provides regarding living, non interbreeding salamnders is "pure speculation."
For example, Ridley argues that the ring species of salamanders surrounds the San Joaquim Valley. The change between neighbours is gradual, but in San Diego county the two ends of the ring are distinct species.
Does that come under the heading of "pure speculation" when it is based on direct observation?
But you still misunderstand Ridley; the fossil record supports evolution but evolution does not depend on the fossil record - Ridley provides the salamanders but you have done nothing to disprove his argument beyond just stating that it is nonsense.
Can you, for once provde a specific explanation why Ridley's article is "pure speculation" even though Creationists like to quote from it since it appears to give credence to the nonsense that evolutions think that the fossil record undermines evolution.
You didn't quote Ridley originally because you though he was an idiot, you quoted him to add weigth to your argument that the fossil record does not support evolution; here is what your post consisted of:
Here is how a professor of zoology at Oxford University, puts it:
"In any case, no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation."*Mark Ridley, "Who Doubts Evolution?" in New Scientist, June 25, 1981, p. 831.
You didn't say Ridley was an idiot then, did you; you said that he was a professor of zoologogy at Oxford. Now why say that, to show he is a nutcase or to show that he is a legitimate authority? Also, he wasn't a professor at Oxford - the Creationists promoted him to that for obvious reasons. He's actually now a Professor at Emory University in Atlanta.
And what about Prof. Salisbury whom you treated similarly.
Come on prmegranate, you are claiming the man you loved to quote is now an idiot because his article supports evolution and you claim it is pure speculation - tell me what is spculative about his photographs of living salamanders which prove that ring species exist.