It is amazing how emotional Creationists get on this issue. I don't believe in evolution the same way that people, or how I for that matter used to, believe in Creationism. If evolution were somehow disproved tomorrow it wouldn't bother me in the slightest - in fact it would be incredibly interesting. Most evolutionists feel the same was as far as I can tell - they have not invested any emotional energy into believing it. Religious fanatics of the Creationist variety, on the other hand, have essentially grounded their entire lives in the validity of Creationism - remove that and their religion is gone. That's why they will lie and miquote all and sundry to reassure themselves that they are right.
The irritation that evolutionists often express towards Creationist arguments is directed towards their tendency to be dishonest and to the fcat that Creationists almost always avoid dealing with actual data or confronting rational arguments. For example, the fact that the fossil record demonstrates that different species have existed at different times: in itself that doesn't prove or disprove evolution or creationism (although it does rule out the New Earth variety). But only evolution provides a credible, nonmiraculous explanation for the data; the idea that God made species and then after they went extinct, or were destroyed, He created new ones is possible but not palatable to most religious types. The list that Iron Gland has pot forth will not be seriously addressed by Creationists since they - like you - have no answers and so the responses tend to be ostrich like and stupid (monkeys for relatives - a very JW like argument indeed.)
I'd suggest that you do start reading some serious books on the subject since your comments are pretty simplistic - which is not surprising since, apparently, you claim to have no interest in this subject. It certainly shows.
Edited by - Gedanken on 1 November 2002 18:4:58