Hey Stan Conroy, Do you remember any of these guys? Barry Anderson, Schlick Nahinsky, Steven "I sleep with my moms studies" and of course the best man at your wedding Jerry Mason.
JoinedPosts by GeddyLee
The coming "disassociations"
by Elsewhere ini have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.
this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.
i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.
The coming "disassociations"
by Elsewhere ini have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.
this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.
i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.
Stan Conroy?????? Too funny. This has to be a coincidence. Stan Conroy was a senile old elder from the city I grew up in. Im laughing so hard I can barely type. Who are you masked man?
The coming "disassociations"
by Elsewhere ini have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.
this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.
i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.
I think what everyone here is forgetting is that, the only authority that these misguided elders have is the authority that you give them. If anyone knocks at your door, and asks you if you consider yourself a JW, DONT BE INTIMIDATED!! Just calmly tell them that you dont discuss religion or politics with anyone! These are two things that are personal, and will remain that way.Be confident with them, then they are out of their element, and will have no idea how to react. After they stutter around for a moment, change the subject. It will work everytime. You are in charge all the time not them.
Should jws eat caraway seeds/maize/sw'tcorn?
by badboy incaraway seeds r assoiceted with`soul cakes' produced at halloween.
maize/sweetcorn is assoiceted with xilonen,aztec goddess.
in view of the pagan connections, should jws eat any of above products?
They sure as heck better not be caught watching any Olympic coverage either. I just returned from visiting the site of the first Olympiad, in ancient Olympia Greece. The original of these athletic events was for the purpose of apeasing Zeus. There is still the remains of the temple to Zeus, right next to the running track.
Where are you from?
by Rado Vleugel inmy site (
) has been visited by people from 97 different countries.
From the land of, Hockey, Pamela Anderson, Bob and Doug Mackenzie(you hosers)!!! Rush, and the ditch water they call Molsons. Any guess????
Were you ashamed of being a witness?
by sleepy inwere you ashamed of being a witness?.
how did you feel about identifing yourself as a jehovahs witness to others?.
i often used to hide it because of the stigma attacthed to it.. was anyone actually proud to be one?
Ashamed? Embarassed? How about Demoralized, or Shellshocked!! From the welts on the back of my head from erasers being thrown at me as I walked out of the classroom during the anthem, to the day after Christmas where the teacher would go up and down the rows asking all the kids what they got for Christmas, I would beg her to let me go to the washroom while this was going on, she hated the witnesses,and made me stay, and made me stand up and say"umm no I didnt get anything, because I dont believe in Christmas" It was ok after the laughter let up ten minutes later. They even made up a song for our family during halloween, and would circle our house and sing it for hours,, The tune was from an old Christmas carol, I cant remember now, but I remember the words as they are emblazzened on my brain.... It went .."Its Halloween the (our last name) dont go out, they turn out the lights and they dont shell out" I also remember getting jumped by a couple of the local neighbourhood thugs once when we were working my street in service, they got a hold of my service bag and threw the magazines all over the street, punched a couple of times in the face, and stoled my clip on tie and strung it up in a tree. Oh ya life was great as a witness.
porn over at "JustJW's"
by professor in.
at least we're not that bad!.
I laughed until I cried, thats my goofy brother the circuit overseer at the far right in the pioneer picture. It might do him some good standing next to all that porn. It might loosen him up a bit. Doubt it though.
Watchtowers million dollar scam
by GeddyLee inback in the late eighties i was on the committee to build our cities new double kingdom hall so that all five halls would be under one roof.
we needed to come up with five hundred thousand dollars to complete the new hall, so we had a kingdom hall fund drive where the local brothers would raise the needed funds.
after two years we had collected the half million dollars, and guess where that money went????????
Back in the late eighties I was on the committee to build our cities new double kingdom hall so that all five halls would be under one roof. We needed to come up with five hundred thousand dollars to complete the new hall, so we had a kingdom hall fund drive where the local brothers would raise the needed funds. After two years we had collected the half million dollars, and guess where that money went???????? Thats right, straight to Brooklyn New York. We than sold all five halls and got around a million two hundred thousand for the sale of the halls, any guesses where that money went?????? thatst right Brooklyn again. Now the kicker to all this is we now loaned the original five hundred thousand dollars that we needed to build the hall in the first place back from Crooklyn, and are paying it back over twenty years at 6% interest. So in summary they got our donations of half a million dollars, they got the proceeds from the sale of the halls of about 1.2 million, then they are getting another half million over twenty years with interest added on to boot, and they have ownership of the new hall, and the local pee-ons still have to pay for the maintenance and upkeep. This was the beginning of the end for me, one little crack in the Tower and it all came tumbling down.
What are you listening to right now?
by LDH inthe soundtrack of o brother, where art thou?.
Rush , Vapor Trails- The Cure, Disintegration-Roxy Music , Avalon
my brother the circuit overseer
by GeddyLee inhi everyone, third generation dubber here who had enough sense to leave eight years ago, after utterly wasting thirty years of my life.
i ve faced everything most of you all have,(loss of family and life long friends, and hardships trying to learn how to relate to the world around us) but now i am now enjoying all the best that life has to offer.
just wanted to relate my first hand experiance of how loyalty to the crotchtower is put above everything else even blood.
Hi everyone, third generation dubber here who had enough sense to leave eight years ago, after utterly wasting thirty years of my life. I ve faced everything most of you all have,(loss of family and life long friends, and hardships trying to learn how to relate to the world around us) but now I am now enjoying all the best that life has to offer. Just wanted to relate my first hand experiance of how loyalty to the crotchtower is put above everything else even blood. My father who was an elder right from inception,(1972 I think) was faced with a witchhunt from the local elders in the city, totally false trumped up charges were thrown at him, lies of unbelievable proportions. He went through a living hell. It was me then serving as a Ministirial servant who stood shoulder to shoulder with my dad, putting my own neck on the line defending him. I remember taking on the body of elders, the circuit overseer all at once, in defense of him. Well we both got axed, my only fault was standing up for my dad. All this time which lasted about six months my father was begging my older brother who is a circuit overseer to please come down and back him up. My brother wouldnt even return his calls, and when my dad drove to his apt. he only let him come as far as the doorstep. He told my dad that this was the local elders responsibilty and that he should go and " face the music" he just left him high and dry. Now that Ive left, my dad wont speak to me, but considers my older brother the CO his pride and joy. Its good to be free!!!!