can that talk be reposted?
can that talk be reposted?
hopefull you can read it before someone decides to kill it.
> new boots.
> bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots.
Funny...I think I have read it before but its very funny.
i heard that a notice was sent to all boe this month removing "keep on the watch" as the featured january campaign.. can i get confirmation from anyone?.
They do that every year...Has any one read the new edition of the revelations book? I haven't had time yet. Apparently there is new light in it. I still have my old book that my mother says does not apply. I will start reading it in January. I will let ya'll know of any changes that I see.
as the holiday season approaches, we often hear the term "bad gifts" or "useless gifts" being thrown around in stories of christmas past.
i was sitting and thinking of different gift ideas and stories i heard in my life, that truly stink or are just plain irritating.
if the thought counted, then these gifts are thoughtless.
my friends and I do little wish list. We know each other well so we usually know what the other likes.
i heard that a notice was sent to all boe this month removing "keep on the watch" as the featured january campaign.. can i get confirmation from anyone?.
my family doesn't speak about religion to me. Have no clue what's it all about? Same old Same old anyway.
I really don't care who calls me an apostate. I'm sure someone from my ex-congregation was lurking around here. Just like others I don't give a rats ass!!!! I'm sure my family gets comments from others especially to my sister who didn't invite me to her wedding. Hey anyone in here have a myspace?
has someone started a christmas card exchange list yet for this year?
we did this in the past and it was such fun to get all the great cards.. .
Hey Guys I am sending all my cards out Monday!!! We have gotten about 10 I will post a Pic soon.
i thought that after some 30 years as a jw the wts's teaching is so familiar that i can hardly find anything new in assembly talks, which may be the reason why, as many attendants do, i gently noze down and opening an eye from time to time is enough to catch up the drift of an all too well known talk.
still, i've been genuinely surprised last sunday by a point a bethel visitor rose in one of the p.m talks, namely that jws are not advised to send their kids to school until an age when he (she) can take a personal stand re.
xmas, birthdays, etc.
In the congregation I attended I was the only one that had my children in Daycare. Most of the sisters didn't work. They either cleaned houses two days out of the week or had a parttime. Part time jobs usually didn't last because the elders would immediatley start talking to them about putting Jehovah first. If they couldn't take care of their kids other sisters would. My children usually stayed with my mother if they weren't in daycare.
I worked and was told about the importance of putting Jehovah first. I told the elder my husband is lazy and doesnt work. Who is going to pay my bills? No one in this cong. even ask if I'm okay or if my kids have what they need. One time a sister told me that I was rarely at the meetings and that i should not forget about Jehovah.
I told her "When you start taking care of me and my family and paying my bills then tell me something!!!"
I said it loud and clear. She never said anything to me again. I knew I didnt want to be JW since I was a kid. The only year I enjoyed everything having to do with JW was when I was 11-12 not too long. I realized the truth. I didnt' want to be there anymore.
2 years ago i left jws.
i went to a baptist church because it was what my husband was.
i knew i wanted to go to church but which one i really didn't know yet.. two years later, i think i have made up my mind: presbyterian.. anyone have anything they want to share?
I am with Double Edge,
My children and I started attending a Catholic church with my fiance'. I don't necessarily agree with everything but the enlightment is there. My children love to go and they say they like it better than JW. I like the feeling it gives you and you do feel energized to face the world head on.
remember when i posted a possible job interview at a daycare center...well, i've had 2 phone interviews and 1 face to face coming up in an hour.. getting this job will make or break me at this
anyway..i'm excited and nervous at the same time... be back later to let ya all know what went on.. ~freedom frog~.
Congradulations whatch out with the