Is it one and same game as 'Trouble'?
Not at all. 'Trouble' was mentioned because it is also from Germany.
This is 'Settlers':
What ages is it for?
From 10 years.
i have made this recommendation already last year but i will repeat because there are several new members and because the game is currently on stock at in 1995, german game inventor klaus teuber created the board game "settlers of catan" that caused turmoil in germany: it won several prizes incl.
"game of the year".
and millions (!
Is it one and same game as 'Trouble'?
Not at all. 'Trouble' was mentioned because it is also from Germany.
This is 'Settlers':
What ages is it for?
i have made this recommendation already last year but i will repeat because there are several new members and because the game is currently on stock at in 1995, german game inventor klaus teuber created the board game "settlers of catan" that caused turmoil in germany: it won several prizes incl.
"game of the year".
and millions (!
Not seen that game ...
Take a look at the 41 reviews at They all say this game is excellent - but hard to get.
I have regularly checked at amazon but it was always sold out. At the moment they say "available in 24 hours". I think before Xmas they had an extra order. I hope that lasts for some time.
i have made this recommendation already last year but i will repeat because there are several new members and because the game is currently on stock at in 1995, german game inventor klaus teuber created the board game "settlers of catan" that caused turmoil in germany: it won several prizes incl.
"game of the year".
and millions (!
Settlers of Catan is a bit more complex than "Mensch rgere dich nicht". :-)
But today I have played "Mensch rgere Dich Nicht" with my 4-year-old daughter. :-) I wonder if this,too, is an International board game.
You should definitely try "Settlers". You won't regret it.
some weeks ago, my family and i were invited to a jw party.
i have been inactive for some years now, my wife attends the meetings now and then.
now, our cbs-conductor (now: overseer, i am up to date, thanks to jwd :-)) had built a new house and invited the whole congregation for a party.
Sagen Sie die echte Neuigkeiten aber mit Briefen!
I beg your pardon - but what does this sentence mean????
"Tell the true news but with letters!"
i have made this recommendation already last year but i will repeat because there are several new members and because the game is currently on stock at in 1995, german game inventor klaus teuber created the board game "settlers of catan" that caused turmoil in germany: it won several prizes incl.
"game of the year".
and millions (!
I have made this recommendation already last year but I will repeat because there are several new members and because the Game is currently on stock at
In 1995, German game inventor Klaus Teuber created the board game "Settlers of Catan" that caused turmoil in Germany: it won several prizes incl. "Game of the year". And millions (!) have been sold in the German speaking countries alone. There is a real Settlers-fever. There are several expansions of the Game in Germany. The Game and two expansions have been translated to English and are available at
The secret of the Game is that the rules are easy but the Game itself becomes complex. Each Game is different because the board changes each time. You have to built towns and cities on an island using the ressources you get. This sounds easy but is a great game. There are no aggressive elements.
Just take a look at:
Take a look at the reviews at amazon!
You can buy the board at
You should start with the basic game but I recommend the Cities&Knights expansion (you need the basic game for the expansion):
There is also the Seafarers-expansion (everyone says C&K is better):
I just have to recommend this board Game that originated in Germany!
some weeks ago, my family and i were invited to a jw party.
i have been inactive for some years now, my wife attends the meetings now and then.
now, our cbs-conductor (now: overseer, i am up to date, thanks to jwd :-)) had built a new house and invited the whole congregation for a party.
Beans, check your eMail.
Herk, thankyou for your thorough reply that reminds me of my own situation. I was also able to explain the chronology topics, how to derive 1914 etc. And how proud (and what a fool) I was. :-)
But I could explain it because I studied the topic. And I studied it because I did not understand it. I felt something was strange, but I wanted to be loyal to the FDS. I trusted that Jehovah would take care of his organization and set matters straight at his own time. So, parrot the Society's explanations and was convinced that it was "meat in due season". I surpressed doubts. I also began to read critical literature and admitted that they had a point there. But after all, it was God's organization and mistakes were to be corrected. The doubts persisted and in the end I read CoC and C.O.J. Gentile Times Reconsidered. And this was the end. But it took years until I not only admitted that chronology was wrong but also this was not God's organization.
I agree with you that there are many who just say "this is too deep for me" and "the FDS is always right". But I trust that many find the explanations about dates in our lifetime strange and find it strange that the 2.300 days of Daniel are to end with a copy of the Watchtower magazine etc.
some weeks ago, my family and i were invited to a jw party.
i have been inactive for some years now, my wife attends the meetings now and then.
now, our cbs-conductor (now: overseer, i am up to date, thanks to jwd :-)) had built a new house and invited the whole congregation for a party.
I would have avoided that party.
I will not start that shunning thing. As long as they don't shun me I will try to behave normally and speak my mind. Okay, when they start to shun me I hope to continue my course.
Have not received any further invitations so far. :-)
the 24 november bill bowen on tv all over denmark..
it will air 8 clock europa time.
and the spoke's mann from jehovas witness in denmark is coming to speak live on tv.
This is in 2h time. Any details? Can the program be seen streaming or downloaded after broadcast?
some weeks ago, my family and i were invited to a jw party.
i have been inactive for some years now, my wife attends the meetings now and then.
now, our cbs-conductor (now: overseer, i am up to date, thanks to jwd :-)) had built a new house and invited the whole congregation for a party.
The "UN thing" was on my tongue - but fortunately I did not mention it. It would have been too hard to explain in this situation and I would have been the liar in the end.
I think subconsciously most of the JW know that with dates like 1914, 1918, 1919, 1931, 1935 et al. something is wrong and that it cannot be found in the Bible for an unbiased reader.
But in the end, it is the FDS, is it not?
some weeks ago, my family and i were invited to a jw party.
i have been inactive for some years now, my wife attends the meetings now and then.
now, our cbs-conductor (now: overseer, i am up to date, thanks to jwd :-)) had built a new house and invited the whole congregation for a party.
Some weeks ago, my family and I were invited to a JW party. I have been inactive for some years now, my wife attends the meetings now and then. Now, our CBS-conductor (now: overseer, I am up to date, thanks to JWD :-)) had built a new house and invited the whole congregation for a party. I was explicity invited unless I have not been at the CBS since the "Daniel"-book. In fact, I have not experienced him as CBS conductor: the conductor I knew is no longer an Elder and his substitute was me. :-) (I stepped aside from being a MS due to outburn and faded away from that day.)
Okay, me and my family went but I swore to myself: I will not return to the congregation because of this silly invitation. I was excited how the brothers and sisters would treat me - and how should I treat them? I did not want to start a dispute.
For the better part of the evening, I was treated carefully. Elders approached my but we did not speak about anything but our work. A common topic among men, I guess.
The party was almost over (and I had emptied some glasses of red wine) when it happened. A sisters said Good Bye to me and added she would be glad to see me again at the Kingdom Hall. I just smiled. But then one of the older, braindead, zealous sisters joined her and said to her in my presence: "Oh yes, of course he is coming back soon." and looked at my reaction and grinned. It made me mad that she wanted to manipulate me.
I replied: "Why should I?" She said something about "The Truth" and I went on that we encourage others to put their religion to the test - but WE are not allowed. She said that we could put our religion to the test, but at JWs everything was founded on the Bible. I asked her to show me from the Bible the significance of 1919 or 1935. Sr. Braindead answered that it could be seen from the facts that the Great Crowd appeared in 1935.
That brought me to my senses that there is no good in argueing with a hardcore JW at a congregation party. I told her that I did not want to argue. She still smiled at me.
Most people had already gone and we also said Good Bye. But I was pretty mad.
Some time has gone now but so far nobody has approached me concerning this incident.
Edited by - GermanJW on 24 November 2002 8:20:2