I completely agree with OnTheWayOut. Pretty much anything can be found to have some kind of relation or have roots in paganism. And the bottom line, is the organization can find a way to rationalize just about anything and people will follow them. Sad but true. Really in my mind, there is no line.
Posts by feenx
where do you draw the line ?
by lancelink inlast night i was talking to my son (24 years old) and he was telling me about his life growing up as a jw, .
very frustrating for him, he couldn't have friends from school over, no joining clubs, sports, etc - etc.. but a very interesting point was made, and i never thought about it and it has been rolling around all day.
as morphius said.
Tattoos or not tattoos...
by Cthulhu inalright, ive posted on here a couple of times, but let me tell you a little bit more about myself.
i have been doubting for some time, and fading for some time.
i've not been to a meeting for some months.
wow....this is all news to me. Did this recently change? I could've swore before I got the boot that it was considered body mutilation and hence a disfellowshipable offense. I even remember WT articles about how it was a growing fad but that like any other fad it would fade away and not only does it detract from christlike appearance but it scars your body for life. Which I always thought was absolutely retarded because all anyone has to do is pick up a history book and it's plainly clear that for ages people of all walks of life and cultures have been decorating their bodies. BUT I digress. So can't get DF'd for that. DANG....now I gotta do something else that will be a clear marker I can't ever go back. Maybe I'll get some ink on my forehead that says "The snake was right, eat the apple" or something, lol
Crazy, funny, scary or just wacky field service experiences
by feenx inhey everyone :).
it's been a while since i've posted anything.
been taking a break from anything jw related.
*SIGH* ahhhh yes. This is brining back memories, such sweet memories. *gag*
I also remember people talking about smokers and/or cat owners that they hated going inside their houses. It was like an abomination to the planet that people would have the nerve to own cats and smoke if a JW was going to be coming by.
I never encountered a fire literally starting while at the door, THAT is definitely unique.
And I gotta give kudos to palmtree67. If that had been me or one of my friends, we woulda just kept walking past the house, completely in denial that the house even existed, let alone actually go knock on the door.
Crazy, funny, scary or just wacky field service experiences
by feenx inhey everyone :).
it's been a while since i've posted anything.
been taking a break from anything jw related.
Hey everyone :)
It's been a while since I've posted anything. Been taking a break from anything JW related. ANYWAYS I am looking to enter a local writing contest here in Colorado and will be writing a fictional story, though based on some real experiences, about a young boy out in service. The infamous car group conversations, interesting things seen going door to door, the people encountered, things that we noticed and saw about other people's lives and wondered what it must be like, feeling silly and uncomfortable, fake knocking on the door, etc. etc.
I thought this would be a perfect place to gather any stories that anyone wanted to share, as long as you don't mind me including them in the story. It will actually be a short film, about 10-15 minutes, according to the contest rules. If it wins it would go into production through an independent production company.
So does anyone have some wild stories to share??
Why is something, anything, too "far fetched?"
by feenx infirst off with the contents of this post i am not here to upset anyone, nor am i promoting any singular (or collective) idea, thought or belief.
there have been some recent posts on the board the last couple days regarding ufo's, government coverups, etc.
such topics always spark the debate between what can be proved, what hasn't been proved but is "realistic" and what is too "far fetched.
LOL, a cookbook, that's great! yeah who knows, maybe the bible is an instruction book in some unknown language titled Religion for Dummies: How To Polish A Turd
Why is something, anything, too "far fetched?"
by feenx infirst off with the contents of this post i am not here to upset anyone, nor am i promoting any singular (or collective) idea, thought or belief.
there have been some recent posts on the board the last couple days regarding ufo's, government coverups, etc.
such topics always spark the debate between what can be proved, what hasn't been proved but is "realistic" and what is too "far fetched.
First off with the contents of this post I am not here to upset anyone, nor am I promoting any singular (or collective) idea, thought or belief.
There have been some recent posts on the board the last couple days regarding UFO's, government coverups, etc. etc. Such topics always spark the debate between what can be proved, what hasn't been proved but is "realistic" and what is too "far fetched."
As JW's we all subscribed, as do a plethora of religions and people, that a singular and all powerful god created our entire universe as we know it, from scratch. He sent his son to earth to be born as a human, though because of his true spirit nature he was able to display abilities that no other human could match. This son then died, hence creating a system of penance for all sadly sinning humans, was raised from the dead, appeared to multiple people in multiple forms until he finally ascended back to heaven to sit at god's side, along with the "myriads" of angels. We believed our every action, good and bad, was seen and FELT (as in human emotions) by "god" and that this physical earth will be forever and permanently changed in the all too near future as a result of humans' treatment of the earth and all the sins human beings have committed in their history.
THESE theories are PERFECTLY logical to believe in. In fact there are many people who would think you're crazy if you DIDN'T believe in such things.
Yet anything outside those mental lines drawn is just absolutely preposterous. When in reality the very things that people say could never be true (aliens, UFO's, conspiracies, wisdom of the ancients, unknown elements of humans, unknown planets, etc. etc.) are not any more far off or different from this physical reality we all live in.
So for me, it creates firstly frustration that people walk around with their huge egos basically saying "my fairytale is better than yours. Your fairytale isn't good enough. It's just stupid."
It ALL came from the same sources people. The same age and era that the bible came from is the same as allllllllll these other theories. Just because something made it into a scroll, and among the MANY ancient scrolls, happened to make it into the bible it's somehow more authoritative than all the ancient inscriptions from many other cultures? And who is any HUMAN to say in any kind of authority that ANYTHING beyond their own existence is too "far fetched?" That's like an 8 year old telling a toddler they're stupid for believing in the tooth fairy, but that santa claus is real. WTF?
Second, I don't understand why any such theories are "far fetched." Is it because it's simply outside one's comfort zone to think of the possibility of such things, hence it's an element of fear? Or are we as humans just THAT stubborn and THAT stupid that we just that we can say we "know" everything true and false about the cosmos and any other theoretical entities?
I swear sometimes I'm actually ashamed to be labeled as a homo sapien. -
UFO Coverup
by metatron inhttp://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2008/07/20/lkl.ufo.long.cnn.
little by little, the reality of our naive ideas about humans being alone in the universe is being exposed.
this could destroy revealed religion completely if it was fully grasped.
Alright well not point out the obvious....but let's be real people. This is ALL about one's frame of mind, which is one's choice. It is "normal" in society to believe what the good ol' bible tells us, right? Well even in the bible you have beings coming from heaven, ALL over the place, not to mention the Nephilim who were basically ULTRA horny bastards who came down here to get it on with human women. So.....because it's in the bible, instead of inscriptions on ancient pyramid walls or in Sumerian sanskrit (the Annunaki) it's somehow more believable? The idea of ANYTHING non human being ANGELIC or DIVINE is more palapable than the idea it's simply another race of beings? Skepticism rules in this area because for thousands of years, in a religious and philosophical sense, we've been telling ourselves that everything IS for FACT a certain way. I'm sorry but the idea that there's a spirit realm with angels, and an all powerful creator who sent his one and only son to Earth in human form for all of Man's sins and will hence allow a planet changing Armageddon to occur is JUST as "far fetched" and "out there" from this 3D physical realm than the notion of intelligent life existing other than on Earth, or that such intelligent life had some kind of impact on the history of humans.
In fact, I would actually say that based purely on human history and the behavior of man that we have seen and are witnessing now...the good AND the bad...the idea that humans were tweaked with by an race of entities not of this earth makes a helluva lot more sense than the idea a singular god created everything and just sits back to wait until he can blow away all the "bad" seeds. -
UFO Coverup
by metatron inhttp://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2008/07/20/lkl.ufo.long.cnn.
little by little, the reality of our naive ideas about humans being alone in the universe is being exposed.
this could destroy revealed religion completely if it was fully grasped.
David Icke? I don't even know who that is. I came across the Annunaki through Zechariah Sitchin.
UFO Coverup
by metatron inhttp://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2008/07/20/lkl.ufo.long.cnn.
little by little, the reality of our naive ideas about humans being alone in the universe is being exposed.
this could destroy revealed religion completely if it was fully grasped.
WOW, you even use the same phrase, "everbody KNEW." Meteron, have you heard of or read about the Annunaki? Puts an interesting twist on UFO's as well as gool ol' jehovah :)
Giving talks terrified my hubby-how about you?
by QuestioningEverything inme and the hubby were talking about back in the day when we had to give public talks.
i'm a natural chatterbox and not very shy.
my hubby is just the opposite.
I never liked what it was I was talking about, but the experience itself was great. That moment, standing in the back of the hall, waiting to be called up, looking out over the audience...definite rush, a good rush. Then once on stage, seeing all their faces, being able to pick out the ones that were actually listening, the ones that were evaluating and the ones that could give a rats arss...haha. And I definitely liked competing with my father for who could come up with the best illustration for a talk. He won most of the time, but I had my moments. If only I wasn't talking about WTBS B.S.
Indigo Insight