oops....musta done something wrong with the link. Anyways, FADE TO BLACK!!
Posts by feenx
Metallica - Your all time favorite song from them U-Tubes Welcome
by AdaMakawee inenough with this sissy music!
any bangers out there?
Metallica - Your all time favorite song from them U-Tubes Welcome
by AdaMakawee inenough with this sissy music!
any bangers out there?
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/WEQnzs8wl6E&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/WEQnzs8wl6E&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Friends who are not JW
by dgp ini understand that a good jw must not be friends with anyone who is not in the society.
however, i am under the impression that in real life that gets sort of swept under the rug and jw's have friends outside anyways.
is my impression correct?
I totally agree with Undercover, it's hard for someone who wasn't deep on the inside to really understand it. And I'd like to think, and hope that it's true, that it's not so much that dubs make sh*tty friends, but I think it's more that as a result of the heavy influence and foced thinking they're under, that they simply don't know HOW to be a good friend, and have a very skewed perspective of what a true friend really is.
Christmas or Christ's Mass which will you be celebrating?
by eyeslice inneither.. i have no affinity at all to the commercial christmas.
i do, however, think that the religious celebration is not as wicked as the society has made out.
ok, it maybe at the wrong time of the year but it is clear that the birth of christ was something to celebrate at the time and is still worth remembering today.. .
This is the first year I'm really getting into the spirit of things, and I have to admit it feels really nice. Before I wasn't a scrooge by any means, but it wasn't really a big deal to me. But this will be the first xmas (NO Christ) with my fiance. We wanted to start some family traditions so we're having xmas at our house, and our very good friends (the husband is going to be my best man) and their 11 month old will be coming over to share it with us. The house is decorated and looks great, I've had a blast picking out personal gifts for my fiance and overall it's a very joyous time right now, having nothing to do with religion, the jebus (yes, with a "b") or anything at all other than a pure celebration of love and friendship.
Which even the lovely dubs do themselves, just not on Dec 25th. My parents alreadys treated their wedding anniversary like xmas, we all got gifts and would go out for something like a play, or bowling, or some kind of activity that was a splurge (which wasn't hard because we were so poor). But essentially, it was Christmas JW style....though they never decorated. AND, ironically, it was two days after my birthday because their anniversary is on the 19th, and my b-day is on the 17th.
And if I was to be perfectly honest....there's definitely a part of me that likes getting into xmas because it's kind of like giving the finger to the organization and its paranoid pagan dellusions of grandeur.
*gasp* you....you mean all these old traditions, in some way or fashion, can be compared to what pagans did? ahhh!
umm......yeah hi, the majority of the population in the world was pagan before this one god one devil thing caught on, because previous to that there was no christianity. so....LOTS of things will be "pagan" because A LOT of people were pagan. I bet pagans pooped too, should we be afraid of that as well?
The great coco nutty monkey adventure...you have to read this it's uncanny
by HappyGuy inokay, last night my wife is still on the road trying to get home, and she calls me and asks me to go to the store and buy her nephew a "coco nutty monkey" playdoh toy.
i have no idea what that is.
so, i go to toyz 'r us and i find it.. then i go next door to a clothing store to buy my wife a gift.. as i am coming out of the store a couple (black gangbanger types) are coming out of the store at the same time.
that is classic!! sounds like right out of a movie.
Friends who are not JW
by dgp ini understand that a good jw must not be friends with anyone who is not in the society.
however, i am under the impression that in real life that gets sort of swept under the rug and jw's have friends outside anyways.
is my impression correct?
It really depends on the JW a little more than the elder. A dub isn't gonna go broadcast to the elders that they have wordly friends. Unless your friend gets caught, as in runs into someone while out with you, or is naive and trusts other dubs by telling them what they're up to and thinking it won't get spread around, then he should be fine. You two can hang out as much as you want to. Hell you can get naked and whip out some pagan rituals.
2009 Annual Worldwide Service Report -- 7.3 Million Publishers
by Joker10 inchina: the number of publishers has increased.
in some parts of the mainland, they can openly go door to door without much interference.
there are actally buildings now used as kingdom halls.
I remember when everyone was walking around with the proverbial brass balls because the number was approaching 6 mil, and then it went over 6 mil and you woulda thought they'd conquered the whole world. ugh...I can just imagine what it's like now.
The "Other Sheep" & 144,000 & other Revelation thoughts
by sd-7 inrevelation 5:9, 10, which speaks of people from all nations being made a kingdom and priests, ruling "over the earth"?
realizing that if the "other sheep" are gentiles, i would therefore need to find some explanation for this scripture.
for me, i find a need to understand what this 144,000 concept means in connection with it all.. well, i spent some time yesterday reading scriptures and pondering it.
I KNEW it!! John was the ultimate hippie!!
You know....never done the acid, done the shrooms though, and even with just that the idea of a Revelation acid trip makes SOOOOO much sense, lol
First ever
by feenx inwell....the fiance and i set up the xmas tree last night.
i've been out for seven years now and amazingly this is my first tree.
it's pretty cool actually!
Well actually in an effort to save money we got an artificial one off Craigslist for free, lol. It had lights on it already, but a couple of the rows were out so we added our own lights. And it was too tall for our ceiling so we couldn't use all of it, which is fine by me. The thing is MASSIVE. And then we'll be adding more decorations from a friend of ours who will be coming over for xmas eve and xmas morning. It took forever to figure out this ghetto thing, but it was worth it
Something My GF Noticed.........
by ColdRedRain intoday, i was hanging out with my girlfriend and we were bored and cold, so we went over to my mom's kingdom hall just to show her what a cult looks like.
i was demonstrating to her how the witnesses use vague, emotion driven speech to try to conjure up the strong feelings in their members so they could control them easier, but i didn't pick this tiny tidbit up.
we kind of listened to the beat of the kingdom melody and we noticed something very odd.... the kingdom songs' cadences are the same rythmic cadences a hypnotist would use to hypnotize a person..
Does anyone have a link to the post that Darth Frosty referred to??