Welcome Lostwun! Be patient, Troubled Mind makes it plain that she was leaving an organisation not her husband...Including a quote illustrating similarities of high control cults
When your own thoughts are forbidden, when your questions are not allowed and our doubts are punished, when contacts with friendships outside of the organization are censored, we are being abused, for the ends never justify the means. When our heart aches knowing we have made friendships and secret attachments that will be forever forbidden if we leave, we are in danger. When we consider staying in a group because we cannot bear the loss, disappointment and sorrow our leaving will cause for ourselves and those we have come to love, we are in a cult… If there is any lesson to be learned it is that an ideal can never be brought about by fear, abuse, and the threat of retribution. When family and friends are used as a weapon in order to force us to stay in an organization, something has gone terribly wrong.”
― Deborah Layton, Seductive Poison: A Jonestown Survivor's Story of Life and Death in the People's Temple
My husband left before me (it took me quite along time to catch up and some counselling and he had to be very patient and discreet) and despite my fears he actually became a more balanced chilled kinder persons who I come to understand loved me unconditionally no religious tags attached. All that fear around "good and evil" black and white thinking and "us and them" paralyzes you. Despite the threats of "where else will you go?" terrible consequences if you leave. from large witness family.... my husband and I have still got strong moral base are not drug addicts or alcoholics.....there is a good life possible post cult hang in there... Steve Hassan a leading expert on cults information at JWVICTIMS. ORG also has a good example of The Bite Model 'Behavior,Information, Thoughts and Emotions helps understand how abusive Jw are and the difficulty leaving....