JoinedPosts by possum
heart troubles
by zeb indear all,.
my health took a beating over the years with stress from various sources, not a little from the wt; and dangerous areas of work involving fumes and so on.
the arc also took its toll and i have had recently a heart attack.
Thanks for your brave and honourable input. As supportive as the ARC where it is still an enormously brave and taxing thing to be involved in. Thankyou. Tare care of your health and keep in good spirits. -
Creepy things jw's have said to you
by purrpurr inhere's mine: i'm 14 years old, just baptised and a old boy married elder of about 60 odd comes up to me and says " ooooooooooh!
your getting such a lovely figure on you!
Cult mentality doesn't allow for unconditional love can only teach fear/ shame of normal bodily functions/ homophobia/ toxic masculinity/ignorance...................They distort .............
Creepy things jw's have said to you
by purrpurr inhere's mine: i'm 14 years old, just baptised and a old boy married elder of about 60 odd comes up to me and says " ooooooooooh!
your getting such a lovely figure on you!
They read all this shit and then pretend to be puritanical Dr. Who (nothing upbuilding or christian than teaching a young man his worth is tied up in his penis size....sexism in reverse!!!)
Creepy things jw's have said to you
by purrpurr inhere's mine: i'm 14 years old, just baptised and a old boy married elder of about 60 odd comes up to me and says " ooooooooooh!
your getting such a lovely figure on you!
- The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. —Pat Robertson, Southern Baptist leader (1930–)
- they are all the same! Maintaining patriarchal power and control via bullshit!
Creepy things jw's have said to you
by purrpurr inhere's mine: i'm 14 years old, just baptised and a old boy married elder of about 60 odd comes up to me and says " ooooooooooh!
your getting such a lovely figure on you!
I think that witness dark mentality of always battling powerful others ("governments/doctors..demons) says more about the dangers of the siege mentality "us against them" ....Also met some very obsessed with demonisation/sex I think it says more about the inner demons they are battling than actual demons... -
Creepy things jw's have said to you
by purrpurr inhere's mine: i'm 14 years old, just baptised and a old boy married elder of about 60 odd comes up to me and says " ooooooooooh!
your getting such a lovely figure on you!
An uber anointed brother told my teenage daughter that any sexual act outside of marriage is "sensed" by the "demons" and they get energy from it. -
Leah Remini's book, "Troublemaker"
by DisArmed injust finished leah remini's book, "troublemaker.
" very good book that easily resonates, i'm sure, with anyone who has exited a cult.
her life in scientology and eventual exit was a nightmare.
Haven't read the book but have recently viewed the movie "Going Clear". Since then I strongly identify Watchtower with the cult of scientology rather than any other religous org. Same modus operandi. -
Decrease of numbers in Jehovah's Witnesses via Deaths, DFings, or Turning Inactive
by flipper inso i'm sure a good number of us saw the chart that i believe the poster splash put on another thread of figures since 1990 regarding how many baptized and % of increase each year .
i started analyzing it ( and i know some referred to it briefly on the other thread ) and guessing of reasons the % of increase didn't match the number of newly baptized.
and of course common sense tells us that either jw's leave the cult each year through death, fading into inactivity, or getting dfed.
thanks for the info definitely in the exit column! -
Decrease of numbers in Jehovah's Witnesses via Deaths, DFings, or Turning Inactive
by flipper inso i'm sure a good number of us saw the chart that i believe the poster splash put on another thread of figures since 1990 regarding how many baptized and % of increase each year .
i started analyzing it ( and i know some referred to it briefly on the other thread ) and guessing of reasons the % of increase didn't match the number of newly baptized.
and of course common sense tells us that either jw's leave the cult each year through death, fading into inactivity, or getting dfed.
Do they count inactive/faders? if you don't formally leave, -
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on jw.org (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat http://stream.jw.org) in various languages.
The purpose of meeting in the kingdom hall/christianity? is because people want to belong and have meaningful face to face conversations and authentic communal relationships. Jehovah witnesses already have extremely high rates of mental illness such as depression. Isolation by making meeting available electronically is a terrible, lazy and unloving way to build and sustain a religious community........