Muslims and even the American Indians believe in a higher spirit being, but the buddists and hinduists, believe in a higher state of oneself called nirvana. Both are spiritual needs for each of the beliefs. These people know that this life is confusing and hard enough to walk it by themselves.
With death always around the corner and natural desasters that plauge the world, not to mention uncureable and painfull diseses, and hunger, and homeless people, do you really feel in control of your life to say you can "accept the consequences or rewards for any actions you take or decisions you make"?
Then to this I say to you my friend, good luck on your lonesome strugle of life. I hope you don't find yourself in a 'Columbine' situation, or in another 'twin towers' place where either you are in the plane or on the top floor of either buildings. I'm sure you will find what you are looking for in the end of the tunnel- Death.