I LOVE this 'overlapping generation' teaching and the more they try to explain it the better.
Because it's so palpably absurd and ludicrous, apart from being totally unscriptural, that only the completely apathetic or thoroughly Watchtarded and brainwashed can abide it.
Any other dude with a modicum of intellectual honesty simply cannot abide this shit.
It's circular reasoning, ego-centric, religio-centric, cultish balderdash gone mad. It's proof positive they are a FALSE religion, and even more embarrassingly so than most others.
Even the SDA's have the sense to keep their laughably silly 1874 chronology hush-hush and in the background, but the GB are so stupid they are going on TV to try to explain and publicise the most embarrassingly silly and nitwit teaching they have had since WW2.