"...and belong to a real religion."
because i feel some people have become confused in thinking that i am promoting religion or thinking that being jewish is some type of special gift that makes me better, i am writing to tell you that i don’t feel this way.
think of this as your christmas gift (or chanukah or festivus or whatever).. despite the fact that i too practice a religion, i also think atheism is a purposeful and noble use of the mind.
too often people with a religion have only bad things to say about atheism and atheists.
due to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
i got up today to listen to the shocking news that russia’s ambassador to turkey was assassinated at an ankara art exhibit, and assassin was acting in the name of god.. it seems things have evolved to the other extreme that atheists are doing the work of religionists and vice versa.
while religionists take delight in killing fellow humans in the name of god, there were many atheists who followed very elevated morality.
the french existentialists and writers jean-paul sartre and albert camus were some of them.
i wonder how the overlapping generation interpretation by the wt /jw religion applys to these scriptures reffering to a generation or these generations.. a generation reffering to one that the bible scriptures acknowledge is approximately 50 years in length give or take a few years.. mathtew chap 1:abraham born in 2018 , jesus born in 2 bc , =2016 divided by 42 generations as stated in matthew chapter 1 amounts to 43 years for a generation.. so how does an overlapping generation fit in with the wt interpretation with this scripture for a generation.?.
obviously an overlapping generation does not apply here .. so when does the jw/gb apply an overlapping generaration and when do they not apply an overlapping generation ?.
Quite simply: it does not apply.
It is a completely unscriptural perversion of the natural and obvious meaning of what Jesus said.
The Watchtower are despicable frauds who have willfully twisted Jesus words to fit their self-serving 1914 false doctrine.
And the deluded 8 million Watchtowerites who support and perpetuate this blatantly false creed simply have no common sense or love of truth, preferring unquestioned loyalty to the Watchtower idol than the words of Jesus.
any elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
The best answer to this is to say that scripturally Jehovah only works through covenants and not with 'organisations' (not a scriptural term), and that often he has worked through single prophets when the covenantees have strayed, eg, the prophets sent to correct erring Israelites.
jesus taught a surviving generation, a group inhering everlasting life, an escape route to avoid a global disaster worse than the flood, a generation that "will not pass away--" an infinite generation.
wt teaches a generation that dies, ends, passes away, at the first sign of real trouble, the great tribulation.. what do you believe about this wt assertion?
(apart from that there is no talking snake, it is all irrelevant).
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
you dont have be alive to 2075 to prove that the wt's anointed generation is and will prove to be wrong, it is!
and you can do it now, by asking just one question:.
does the "generation" prophecy of math.
some facts that make the difference between you and me:.
1 - as a person raised by non jw family, my parents have never loved me based on conditions set out by a group of old men who they don't even know.
how does it feel to know that you are in the unique situation where your parents brought you into the world and said 'i'll show love to you.