Pathetic thread.
The Trinity dogma frankly just proves what an absurd fools errand joke 'Christianity' and the bible (small case intentional) are.
2 peter 1 = deity of christ.
2 pe.
1:1 simon peter, a bondservant and apostle of jesus christ, .
Pathetic thread.
The Trinity dogma frankly just proves what an absurd fools errand joke 'Christianity' and the bible (small case intentional) are.
i seem to remember many talks and articles in the past about repeating rumors.last night before going into the book study the conductor said something to the effect, "i heard a rumor and i don't know if it's true but the rumor is that in the future we will be using only;y videos at the door.".
anyone else heard this "rumor"?.
and whats up with repeating rumors from the platform?
Clearly they want to move as much as possible from being a literature based religion to being a new digital/video religion. They would end all printing tomorrow if they could.
The problem is their doctrine requires all JWs to be 'witnesses', ie, they must publicly witness to Jehovah. And they believe they are scripturally required to do this door to door.
So they are currently in a limbo...they preach video messages door to door. Dumb dumb dumb.
They are trapped again by their own out of date quirky doctrines by being chained to the door to door work belief. Its just another stoopid old belief that needs dustbinning, along with so many other weird, eccentric fringe beliefs of the borg (generation, 1914, birthdays, blood, etc etc).
Solution: shed 'new light' on the door to door work, making it no longer compulsory for all in the congregation to do it. Make it something for pioneers only, bit like how the Mormons do with their 19 year old missionary 'elders'. The rest of the congregation can just do informal witnessing, phone witnessing, or giving tracts away in the street or in malls directing people to to watch videos there instead of on some schmucks tablet on a doorstep.
on the front of the 2016 year book it says that the watchtower is spending $200 million us dollars a year on special pioners etc if they get $1 billion us dollars from selling all the buildings at bethel in new york by my mats that gives them another five years or so.what might happen after that ????
The cost cutting, Bethel lay-offs, liquidating prime real estate, appeals for more donations, stealth congregational tithe, negative growth in first world, GB statements that expenses are exceeding revenue...all very clearly show its an organization haemorrhaging and in a spot of bother financially. There is no doubt about it.
the other day i was doing some research about "1914" for a friend on my wt cd library (spanish) and i found it quite interesting that the number of times "1914" is mentioned in the watchtower magazine during the previous 3 decades has been dropping exponentially as follows.... 1980-1989: mentioned 854 times.
1990-1999: mentioned 492 times.
2000-2009: mentioned 222 times.
They will never drop 1914. At the best they might delink a few more prophetic events claimed to have happened in 1914 and shift them into the future, which they have gradually been doing already. But they are too afraid to take the big leap and admit that Jesus enthronement as king obviously didn't happen in 1914, although many of the GB privately know it.
And since most JWs are dumb enough to swallow the insulting generation new light, they are dumb enough to always believe in 1914.
a problem for believers!.
a majority of the world’s population acknowledge that they believe in a superior god or in their creator.
they also claim that they have got this special understanding and knowledge of his will and his law.
the most ridiculous of all dogmas anywhere in the universe is the very foundation of churchianity.....thus, all their other claims are just blah, blah!.
Frankly I agree with the OP.
Although most of the Bible is sheer bunkum, the trinity doctrine goes the extra mile in being a lot of utterly absurd bunkum; yet its supposed to be the foundation doctrine of Christianity.
one of the most persistent arguments for belief in god centres on the necessity of an ultimate law-giver and epitome of goodness.. a softer version is seen in the genuine concern that a loss of faith will result in a corresponding loss of a moral compass - a more strident argument links the existence of good and evil with proof of the reality of god.
it is often asserted that without god, moral decisions degenerate to nothing more than personal preferences and the victory of "might is right".. i want to succinctly lay out my response as an atheist, and show that a supreme being is not required for objective morality.. it is helpful to distinguish between absolute morality, objective morality and subjective morality.
christian apologists frequently conflate the first two, and secular debaters often fail to point out the difference.. theists who disagree on everything else, are unanimous that god is perfectly good.
John Mann:
History show us that some accounts is literally impossible.
Every battle and genocide is a symbol for our inner faith struggles.
Catholicism is not founded on Bible. The NT is a product of Catholicism. Outside Catholicism the Bible is pure nonsense.
Amazing how Atheists here seems just to take the Sola Scriptura approach. If Sola Scriptura is the only approach so I'm an Atheist too.
And so the special pleading begins. Cherry pick what scriptures suit and reject what doesn't.
In that case you have just completely sawn off the branch you are sitting on, since all knowledge of your God comes from the Bible.
Case closed.
one of the most persistent arguments for belief in god centres on the necessity of an ultimate law-giver and epitome of goodness.. a softer version is seen in the genuine concern that a loss of faith will result in a corresponding loss of a moral compass - a more strident argument links the existence of good and evil with proof of the reality of god.
it is often asserted that without god, moral decisions degenerate to nothing more than personal preferences and the victory of "might is right".. i want to succinctly lay out my response as an atheist, and show that a supreme being is not required for objective morality.. it is helpful to distinguish between absolute morality, objective morality and subjective morality.
christian apologists frequently conflate the first two, and secular debaters often fail to point out the difference.. theists who disagree on everything else, are unanimous that god is perfectly good.
John Mann:
What's the problem to a Christian if morality comes from directly from God's nature (as opposed from His will or intellect as you put as "divine command"). I don't see any dilemma in this.
The problem for Christians is that the Bible contains accounts of morally abhorrent actions claimed to have been commanded, sanctioned or performed by God, such as genocidal ethnic cleansing, killing children, etc.
one of the most persistent arguments for belief in god centres on the necessity of an ultimate law-giver and epitome of goodness.. a softer version is seen in the genuine concern that a loss of faith will result in a corresponding loss of a moral compass - a more strident argument links the existence of good and evil with proof of the reality of god.
it is often asserted that without god, moral decisions degenerate to nothing more than personal preferences and the victory of "might is right".. i want to succinctly lay out my response as an atheist, and show that a supreme being is not required for objective morality.. it is helpful to distinguish between absolute morality, objective morality and subjective morality.
christian apologists frequently conflate the first two, and secular debaters often fail to point out the difference.. theists who disagree on everything else, are unanimous that god is perfectly good.
As you alluded to, the Euthyphro Dilemma is pretty much all one needs to know to refute this typical Christian apologetic.
If morality is independent of God and exists outside of Him, then it means God is not all powerful and that He is subject to something greater than himself, ie, objective morality. No Christian can accept this proposition and still believe God is omnipotent.
However, if the source of all morality is from God and is not something outside and independent of God then objective morality does not exist, since it is only a reflection of Gods divine commands. It would mean morality is arbitrary and that might is right after all, as Satan claimed.
It's an intractable dilemma.
Some Christians have said the dilemma is false, claiming there is a third option. But it's not very convincing.
i was in a good mood yesterday (makes a bloody change, i hear you say).
i was meeting an old buddy for a meal.
he was never a jobo.
Its Johos not Jobos.