Thank you all for your comments, responses, and suggestions. In my first post I intimated that my presence here might be of a temporary nature and so it is.
Simon please feel free to cancel my registration here whenever convenient.
JoinedPosts by gloria
I have been reading a lot of posts here. It appears that some here are quite serious and well meaning while others are frivolous and yet others appear to be either amused by it all or intend to be disruptive. How does one separate the chaff from the wheat, so to speak? There is too much to consider if one tries to consider it all. The MDS person seems to have a lot of knowledge of the Bible but then so do the brothers at headquarters. If what he says is true, why wouldn’t they be able to see it?
Once a person becomes convinced they have the truth should they then proceed to question it at each and every opportunity, looking for anything and everything that might possibly be a flaw and then concentrating on that flaw until the whole garment is ripped apart? Human reasoning itself is flawed. Mistakes are to be expected.
I know what the Society teaches and I have read the scriptures backing that up. What else is required? Should I accept someone else’s interpretation? Upon what basis should I do this? I have a large brotherhood that is very loving and kind. This is very real. What else is out there in the world? How can I be sure what others say about the brothers is true? The apostles did not constantly demand that Jesus prove who he was, did they?
Java, thank you for your patience with me. My point is that one should be thoroughly convinced that what he has is the truthbeforehe accepts that religion. This is what I did. Having the truth is different from believing that you have it. What is untrue is already corrupted but the truth must not be allowed to become corrupted. That would be like eating from the table of Jehovah and from the table of demons.
I have talked to several Catholics that have told me that they know their religion is not right from the things that go on in their church. They did not learn of this by reading our material but they were able to see it for themselves. If there is something wrong with the truth, we should be able to see it for ourselves. There are many smart people that are JWs, lawyers, doctors, and all sorts of very well educated people. They would know if there is something wrong.
SixofNine, there is so much there for me to read! I’m afraid that it’s almost overwhelming. I noticed that some of the publications you cited were very old. I have no way of knowing that those old publications actually say that. You have taken many phrases out of those articles and strung them together. Perhaps you have not considered them in the context in which they were written. Have you considered this? It looks like you went to a lot of trouble with this and I thank you for your effort. I am still reading those articles. -
Hello, zazu, RedhorseWoman, and Java (again). Thank you all for your kind replies. There is so much activity here I was afraid that my little post (Is that what it’s called?) would be lost in all the shuffle.
Java, you keep comparing the truth with the Catholic religion. Surely having been an elder and all you can’t seriously compare one to the other. There are so many things that the Catholic Church teaches that is false. They teach a trinity, hellfire, they have idols in their church, and many more things. We, on the other hand, know the truth about all these things.
Also I would hardly say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are intimidated for examining their own religion. We have tons of material in the form of Watchtower and Awake bound volumes and many books and brochures and the Reasoning book and the Insight volumes. There is so much that one cannot possibly read it all. And now there is the CD which I find to be a very useful tool in studying and researching. The Proclaimers Book is a book about our history as Jehovah’s modern day organization. There is nothing hidden there.
RedhorseWoman, you said: “I couldn't understand why JW's were absolutely forbidden to look into anything else. After all, truth should be able to stand on its own merits, and looking into other beliefs should simply serve as a means to strengthen the "truth". Is this not correct?” I was not aware that JW’s were forbidden to look at anything else. After all we talk to people of all sorts of different religions all the time and they tell us what they believe. We even have a book that tells us a little about different religions. We have articles in the magazines that tell us about different religions and their beliefs. I know that after reading what the Catholic Church teaches about hellfire my knowledge of the truth about the true condition of the dead is faith strengthening to me.
As far as the new light, well I can understand how things are not all clear at once and that it can take time for an issue to become clear to the brothers. At least that’s how I see it. -
Well, I'm overwhelmed! I was totally unprepared for what is happening here. I haven't made up my mind yet if I should stay.
SixofNine, thank you for your reply. You say the truth will set me free but I have been taught all my life that I AM in the truth.
JAVA, you said, "going to the next level suggests one is questioning "the Truth," a serious trap that could lead to disfellowshipping." That's sort of what I was told. It makes sense that once we know what is true that there is no point in looking any further.
Amicus, that's what I plan on doing, reading and asking questions.
Thinker, thank you for your response. I find your situation interesting because my husband is an unbeliever as well. He studied for a long time with a very capable brother but he finally just stopped and now he won't even come to the hall with me. My husband is a very intelligent man but he just will not accept the truth.
Neyank, thank you.
TR, I have read some of MDS' postings. I'm afraid that I don't understand what it is that he is trying to say.
Hello Rcat. Thanks. -
What do you know, it worked! This is great. I'll try the others later on.
Messed up again! Shoot! One more try.
Thank you, eyes_opened and Frenchy and Nelly, and JAVA. It does seem like a friendly place. JAVA, I feel as you do about not looking into other things. We often hear this from Catholic people at the door in our territory. They tell us that the priest had told them not to listen to us but we always try to reason with them that they have nothing to fear from an examination of the Bible. I always wondered why that never applied to us, as Jehovah’s Witnesses. I asked an elder this once and he told me that it’s because we have the truth and we don’t need to look anywhere else. What do you think about this?Sevenofnine, I’ve taken your advice and I’m poking around. There is so much stuff, though! I don’t think I will be able to wade through all of it but I am trying to read as much as I can. I think you are very nice. Let me see if I can make one of those smiling thingies… I hope it comes out right!
Thank you,
Thank you, Wendy. You seem like a very friendly person.
I guess I'm not very good at this posting thing. Thank you, Sevenofnine but I'm afraid that you've lost me.
To Logical,
Why would you want to go to the meetings if you feel that Jehovah's Witnesses are spreading lies? I haven't had a lot of time to read all the things that are on this board yet. Perhaps later today.
To Chuck,
I meant what we as Jehovah's Witnesses call the truth. What other truth have you found? -