BTW, during baptisms, they always separated when girls or boys were being baptized. (DAMN). We would occasionally hear stories of one of the girls who forgot to bring some sort of girl clothing (bra??) to wear under the baptismal clothing. Sometimes things could get perky. They didn't want us boys to see that. Apparently it wasn't a problem for the officiating penishood holders though.
Washings and annointings was another freakish ceremony (also since changed). I got naked and put a poncho on. My sides were completely exposed. They would take water then oil and while praying, wash and then anoint different parts of the body. When I say "wash" what happened is I was dabbed with a finger tip of water. My experience was that I was NEVER touched on the privates. Other postmo's have reported that they were touched on their privates. Enough have reported this that I don't doubt that it happened to some, fortunately not to me.
Women, strangely, do this ordinance on each other, even though they don't have the penishood. No I have not heard of any orgies, nor consummations in the mainstream LDS temples.
Historical records indicate that early washings and annointings involved a tub and was much more thorough, ahem.