Well, everyone who'se been out drinking a bit knows that some days, even an unusually low number of drinks can knock you out cold. Moreover, people tend to forget how much they drunk, and if you had it really bad, you will totally forget what you did the last hour or four, and that may well include engaging in consensual sex with a stranger (I know, I have had sex that I do not at all remember, and I am male and did most of the work involved. Perhaps I should report my spouse for date rape?)
Toxicologists often test the blood or drink samples from women who claim their drinks have been spiked, and 99 times out of 100, we're talking about the same single, powerful "daterape" drug: alcohol.
I do not deny that date rape, using drugs like GHB, has happened. I will allege, however, that the danger is grossly exaggarated by certain political groups, helped by dumb women who don't know how to drink and when to stop. And while it is true that rape is underreported, it is also exaggarated at least in the same mmgnitude by some gender feminists, and false rape accusations are, for some odd reason, very common (not less that 30%).
When someone suddenly claims rape only after discovering an unwanted and highly embarrassing pregnancy, I'd assume the woman guilty until proven innocent. But heck, 2000 years ago someone allegedly claimed to have been impregnated by a Deity, and some people still buy that story, so I guess gullibility is not that unusual.
It totally beats me why anyone should feel any need to have sex with an unconscious person, but of course, like most sick things, they do happen. They should buy an inflatable doll.
If lonewolf or anyone else not involved in the identifying and declaring work had said this they would have been crucified.