hello mistress suzi - may i have permission to speak? u are so wickedly clever with your tongue - but please try not to provoke another posting from the thesis of kim oyhus by "the scholar" - doctors orders - rotflmfao aint good for my health - thank you mistress suzi - your slave - goo.
Posts by goo
what would you do. . .
by dark clouds inif this happened to you?.
sitting behind my computer a few mornings ago, i was doing the share of reading that i do on a daily basis, sipping my coffee, minding my own, when an instant message appeared on my screen.
call it second nature, i responded as i usually do.
"Vicar in a Tutu" ...
by elin in(written by moz).
i was minding mind business lifting some lead off the roof of the holy name church .
it was worthwhile living a laughable life just to set my eyes on a blistering sight of a vicar in a tu-tu .
hi elin - just thought i'd say hi & welcome to the chill out room of the board - good to have your company & i hope u enjoy your time here.
goo. (morrisey lookalike & available)
what would you do. . .
by dark clouds inif this happened to you?.
sitting behind my computer a few mornings ago, i was doing the share of reading that i do on a daily basis, sipping my coffee, minding my own, when an instant message appeared on my screen.
call it second nature, i responded as i usually do.
underestimation of the enemy - classic fatal mistake of a "mind" that has no concept of strategic thinking.
by goo inguys i'm happy to report that the following authors have graduated from the goo's apostates apostate dont feed the trolls training academy:.
mummy .
guys i'm happy to report that the following authors have graduated from the goo's apostates apostate dont feed the trolls training academy:
mommie darkstill in training:
ps. guys remember any denials of graduation or traineeship by those enrolled in the school is in fact a form of further post grad or grad refresher training, prior to an upcoming post of mine, which will delve into areas beyond the realms of graduate or trainee graduate life experience, ie. life.
by ONE MIND ini am from detroit and can any one help me find a young laby.
her name is tony she work at the ritz carlton dearborn.
i need to talk to here i am to a fread to and i know that.
hi one mind it's tony here - good to hear from u - email me
[email protected]goo.
still dreaming of that nite we spent in the broom closet of the ritz carlton dearborn lets do it again soon, meake up for lost time.
What Was I Thinking?
by riz inone of my regrets about my 20 year stint of jw-dom is that i got rid of a lot of my 'questionable' music.
i have always loved all kinds of music, and i've been an avid collector for as long as i can remember.. some of the recordings i had i will probably never see again.
i deeply regret my decision to get rid of some of my favorite items.
hi rizzy - my collection means a lot to me as well. i personally never through away any albums - but once i moved from where i had been living - and stored a box of lp's at this bro's place - in the garage - yep - you guessed it - he had to trash a lot of my favorites - i found out when it came time to retrieve the box - apparently the garage had become demonically possessed - shortly after the arrival of the lp's - in particular - the loss of an excellent little richard album and a sam cooke & the soul stirrers album - both on specialty - the original label - i coulda killed the guy - a whop bop a loo bop a whop bam boom
Face/Pyramids on Mars! What do you think?
by qwerty inthe things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
qwerty .
justa surfin!
mmmmmm ....strange silence
Face/Pyramids on Mars! What do you think?
by qwerty inthe things you look into without the wt cynical mind behind every thought.. [ http://www.geocities.com/area51/6683/cydonia-face.html].
qwerty .
justa surfin!
hi guys - does anyone know much about the astronomical calculations used by the superstitious retards who constructed stonehenge?
thanks goo.
what would you do. . .
by dark clouds inif this happened to you?.
sitting behind my computer a few mornings ago, i was doing the share of reading that i do on a daily basis, sipping my coffee, minding my own, when an instant message appeared on my screen.
call it second nature, i responded as i usually do.
rizzy - the venus fly trap is a delicate little (carniverous) flower too,
mmmmm....can i place my pollinia on your stigmatic surface
so u can make me go all
-ey?. -
The Guilt Mongers
by Jang inthe tricks guilty people use to make you feel guilty.
by tom russell.
in a recent class in northern california the discussion centered around the.
hi jang, just wanted to say i particularly enjoy your posts - the content is always brilliant. do u have a web site anywhere that contains all this info u post? if so i would like to know the www. address - thanks - and looking forward to more of your excellent posts.