I am not a big lady killer, believe me. I was 17, working out, had a hard young body and obviously this Elders wife was not being "taken care of" at home.
I was somewhat lucky with the ladies. I had a paper route and had "incidents" with two of my lady customers at 16. One lived two doors down from my Grandmother.
I got stupid and had a JW relapse and married a sister who was hot when we got married but two kids and 7 years later, making love was like riding a beachball. I still had a 33 inch waist. We divorced and quite a while later I was DF'd for apostacy. I have since remarried. I never cheated when I was married but in between, well lets just say there are alot of lonely ladies out there. Witnesses included.
No insult to ladies with my "beachball" comments. A lot of guys "pork out" too.
Fred www.isnrblog.com