I so agree with this guy Desenter. .
Anyway, don't be intimidated please. They know jw's are not educated and are big kiss butt scardy cats. Now, maybe they can get in touch with youtube. I'm not sure about that. But... first of all, the knocking guys I'm sure are NOT the ones behind this. The SOCIETY is.
Now personally if I were this guy from knocking, I couldn't care less about the 3 second thingy. I'm sure its the society doing this on behalf of the knocking guy, who I'm sure by now is offended that the Society doesn't like gays and therefore, has changed their perception of the WTS. I think this is a bullying tactic by the WTS. Why?
Well, I so happens that I know, from an inside source, that the WTS is on a mission to find copyright infringement people on the internet. I so happen to know this crazy sister who has nothing to do but google and surf the net for copywrite infringment sites and blogs and then guess what??? She sends them to the Society via e-mail and she tries to act like she's their lawyer. She kills me. What a poor sad mentally disturbed sis with no life who needs a man desperately. Anyway, that's another thread.
IMO, they are trying to intimidate everyone on the net to get the negative stuff off the web because they don't want anyone to see them being exposed so perfectly and eloquently. But I don't think they can speak on behalf of the Knocking guy. I would make sure that if they do get in touch with youtube or you, make sure it is in fact from knocking and not from the society. I don't think the knocking guy is with this. Sorry, but I don't. Really, the knocking guys just want to make a buck and do a good video for exposure to get a great film deal to get their foot in the door. Its not like the knocking guy became a JW after this experience. HELLO!!! Trust me, he got a real education from the xJW's. Like the WT Comments said.....READ BETWEEN THE LINES. LOL Personally, when I read the first thread on this subject over the weekend or was it last week, I personally thought this is not knocking, this is the WTS. Of course, the WTS has the lawyers, but the knocking guy doesn't. Do you really think he's working along with the GB?? Would the GB support or deal with a real live homosexual??? HECK TO THE NO!!! I would make sure that the email is in fact from knocking and and that knocking is in agreement with the warning email, or you could get in touch with the Knocking guy and ask him if the e-mail was from him.
But be warned the WTS is in a war with the internet, this is a mission that can cause their demise. but I say, don't let them scare you, really don't. Its just Philistine taunts. LOL
I love the WT comments, please keep them coming and even if you do have to change the 3 second part, so the heck what, you are helping so many people with the WT comments. I just can't wait for the next one, its the highlight of my life right now. Also, its great and you most certainly have their wrapt attention because you are showing them up to be the hypocrites that they trylyt are, you are brilliant. May the force continue to be with you to expose the false hypocrites. You're doing an excellent job. They can't get over the fact that they have gone through all of this trouble to just get the study article to only JW's and you still have access to their deceit and can still expose them. They are pissed to the extreme. The are probably having GB meetings over these WT comments. LOL The last WT comment was excellent about depression. You are doing a great job at exposing the wolves. With all sincerety, thank you for your hard work. N, Keep them commin baby!!!