Aguest - do you think it was a lying pen as Jeremiah stated or do you think spirit could ALSO be defined as anger in some instances? Thus, our perception of what happened altered a bit due to different understandings of the word "spirit"?
Posts by cognac
How do you explain...
by AwSnap in1 samuel 19:9?
i thought god didn't commit evil...and this also appears to be predestination, no?
that was the new world translation.. the new international bible says:.
How do you explain...
by AwSnap in1 samuel 19:9?
i thought god didn't commit evil...and this also appears to be predestination, no?
that was the new world translation.. the new international bible says:.
This is the kjv bible states that scripture:
And the evilspirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat 6 in his house with his javelin in his hand: and Davidplayed 18 with [his] hand.
Spirit can also be defined as this: (Hebrew word for spirit in this instance being "ruwach"
air, anger, blast, breath, X cool, courage, mind, X quarter, X side, spirit((-ual)), tempest, X vain, ((whirl-))wind(-y).
Seems to me that God was just angry at Saul because of his attitide. Notice the beginning of the next verse that states Saul's attitude:
And Saulsought 17 to smite 53 David
And even further then that, didn't God protect David and Saul after this event occured?
wife took it pretty well i's over...
by oompa ini guess it only took three years, but they were hell in so many ways for both of us...she was not happy and lived in denial as much as possible...i was not happy and lived in a bottle as much as possible and glad that is over for me....but it was one of the saddest things i have ever experienced in my was the visit to my parents before i told her....but yes...she said she kind of expected it...was thinking something was going to happen soon as she noticed i had more and more trouble saying i love you back to her when she said it on the phone at the end of goodbyes...and when i was leaving the house...i had noticed it for over a year and it was killing me..... i told her how sorry i was for changing so much again....and that she still walks on water...and is a great person and so pretty....and that she will be ok because she was happy single before me for many years and had all she needs for that again...her closeness to jehovah and her freinds in the congregation...she is very close to both and will be ok i was very surreal....very calm...very sad.
my bitterness and disdain for wt rules came through when talking to my parents and i was very open about how i feel as to their upcoming shunning of me, and how it feels to my son since he was just 17....and how the fear of losing them had kept me trying in my marriage for the past few was firm in his position of future said they will still always love me...and will still talk to me until i get dfd.....oh how this said there is a name for people who only live for themselves and deny god but could not think of what it was....i told him i was not living just for myself...that i am a good person and there are values from him and the bible i hope i always have....i cry so hard as i type this and tell you just so you can know how painful this is....i told him i so loved the rule of treating others how you want to be treated and have always done that...even allowing myself to be wronged on so many occasions to keep peace....... he said that was a good rule....i agreed and said it was a big one too....and that while i could do it...treat him the way i would like to be treated...he would not be able to!.......left as i became emotional...big hug from mom, but i just barely put an arm on dad............oompa.
I'm so sorry Oompa...
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
That would be great AMoment!!! Thank-you!
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
As a believer I have to ask, have you ever stopped to think that maybe he has stated how it is, and you don't like what you see?
I have considered that and I'm trying to look at this logically. When I see how Jesus personality has shield through, he seems extremely loving. When I see Gods personality when reading other scriptures, he seems to have a completely different personality other then what Jesus portrayed him to be...
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
lol, OTWO... I'm happy that this thread is so far not an argument!
I've noticed that a lot of the comments are sincere and well thought out! Gives a person a lot to consider when trying to reason and logically think through multiple perspectives.
I think they also took great pains to portray Jesus as a divine figure, i.e. one who performed miracles, one who was resurrected from the dead, etc. Who in the Greco-Roman world would accept a Savior who wasn't divine? There were already plenty of divine or semi-divine figures in the Greco-Roman mythologies. Jesus had to stand out somehow.
hmmm, I will remember this perspective when I go to research the history of it all. Thanks!
If the story of Jesus is literal (pick a Gospel as three slightly disagree and John is completely different) and the lineage is "inspired" as literal, then most of the rest should be literal too. Adam really is just over 6000 years old, a worldwide flood really did happen, God really did confuse the languages and approve of genocide, rape, pillaging, etc.
I would think that humans wrote the bible as uninspired, however; specific times when God actually spoke to humans would have been inspired. They just recorded specifically what God said along with a bunch of other stuff, there own point of views, etc.
A lot of different things to weigh out when I go to do research.
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
Nice comments Psac and Amoment! I would think the only think that we could really trust as from God would be specifically what Jesus states and that is even depending on what outside sources can prove to us regarding Jesus.
Probably the whole bible is simply written by man, however; did they capture what Jesus did state as from God? Also, if Jesus can in some ways be proven wouldn't that mean that the lineage leading up to his birth and the fulfilled prophecies regarding his birth and life would have to be inspired by God??? And if that is true, then maybe some parts are and some parts are not directly inspired from God as AGuest said?
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
Where does the Bible get its authority from, the Bible? Where does it say that the Bible never lies, in the Bible?
When something gets its authority from itself, it is time to start questioning if it is even valid.
That's a very good question. I guess the thing to research first would be if there is any historical proof of whether or not Jesus was here. And what does history outside the bible state about the miracles he performed. If those support the scriptures, then I would think the promises he made and the authority that what is stated in the bible as from God would also hold out as true also.
Does any know anything about that? I'll research it also. What are yout thoughts on that WT and others?
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
Maybe a larger question is why do you have to believe the bible is from God when everything you are saying shows you otherwise? Do you have to have the bible BE from God or if you never ever saw one, would you believe anyway?
I feel there has to be something more to the bible. Since history seems to point to pieces of the bible being truthful, then I would think that other things such as Jesus miracles would be true. And if those are true, then what he promises should be true also.
Frankie - Thanks for the links!
Aguest - Thank-you so much for your input and help! I will do that!
Inkling - It says in the scriptures that Satan is the ruler of the system. What if that is because God can't win Satan right now for some reason? What if they are about equal in power? What if what happened on earth was recorded in scripture as what Satan did, however, what Jesus told his apostles to write were actually from God? What if there is more to it that we just don't know about?
How do you know the Bible is from God?
by cognac ini really want to believe it, but, sometimes it is very difficult to figure out how it can be from god.
i mean, in the old testament, he seems horrible in some instances.
the adam and eve thing doesn't make to much sense to me.
Thanks so much Drew! I'm going to read up on all the info.
Tues - lol, hopefully it's a bit more then that...