It was a lot of hard work, but we are still married and happy. We have a baby. I see a therapist to consistantly get an outside professional point of view on the best way handle situations as they arise. But, we are generally happy. We focus on things other then religion. But, I can voice my opinion freely and he can also.
Not everyone can do it. He isn't a normal JW. But, I think he isn't a normal JW anymore because he has listened to a lot of what I have to say. It took an enormous amount of patience for both of us. There was a lot of fighting and arguing especially in the beginning.
One main thing I established was my right to question whatever I wanted to. I had multiple elders and an annointed brother back me up on that one point. Based on that, it started that I would simply ask questions.
Then, it went on to that I didn't believe but we could still live peacably based on that scripture about the unbelieving mate.
There were months and months where we didn't even talk about it because I made sure to not make it into a big deal but rather focus on things we have in common.
Now, everything is pretty happy. :)