I have a sick kid. How was your day? Any New Year Resolutions?
Posts by cognac
How Was Your First Day of the New Year?
by cognac ini have a sick kid.
how was your day?
any new year resolutions?.
Anyone with Happy Memories from being a JW born in, please post here....
by SkyGreen infirst up, happy new year .
hi everyone, ok i guess this is controversial, but im doing it as therapy for me - so im not bitter about the way i was raised.
plus i want to see if i can be the op of an "epic thread"!!.
Perfect1- I wasn't educated about that stuff and my parents didn't talk about it. That's why at least having that fear safeguarded me. I'm not saying it was all good- the constant guilt over everything sucked. It would have been much better to have the education without the jw thing, but I doubt that would have been the case for me.
Anyone with Happy Memories from being a JW born in, please post here....
by SkyGreen infirst up, happy new year .
hi everyone, ok i guess this is controversial, but im doing it as therapy for me - so im not bitter about the way i was raised.
plus i want to see if i can be the op of an "epic thread"!!.
1. I loved keeping track of how many times the speaker would say, god, Jehovah, Jesus, etc. I would avoid even going to the bathroom so my numbers would be accurate, lol. One time I let my dad take over so I could go to the bathroom and he didn't do it (of course, I noticed cause I was listening for the words and had my numbers memorized). I was so mad at him! I was furious. Felt the whole assembly was ruined, lol.
2. I loved commenting. For a long time i thought using the scriptures in the paragraph and answers directly from the paragraph was kind of like cheating so I was always coming up with my own stuff. That also made studying much better.
3. LOVED writing talks. Many sisters asked me to "help" ie. pretty much write, the talks for them.
4. Loved the assemblies- the flirting with the guys and meeting up with my friends part.
5. Loved the dramas.
6. Happy I didn't get an std or pregnant cause I was to scared to have sex.
7. Loved going door to door and talking to people. I just liked people and believed in what I was doing.
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
FHN- no, she's not close by.
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
He's usually nice for 24 hours when he screws up. And this time I didn't get into a huge argument about it with him. I just feel like I'm not going to argue about it this time- I simply have a decision to make. Maybe it's my not arguing that worries him...
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
Thank you so much for yours posts. I have read every single one of them and my brain is in a fog from all I have to contemplate- that and my 3 year old had me up all night cause she wasn't feeling good. All of a sudden he is being really sweet to me. I don't no why.
I still don't have a clue what I'm going to do. Until I figure it out I'm taking your advice and getting my finances and everything in order.
WTS closes/dissolves 435 congregations in 29 countries
by Gayle inas listed in 2013 yearbook.. yes, most countries have increases in congregations.
most of the countries that have less congregations than last year, show 1 or 2 less.
however, poland shows a dramatic 327 congregations less, from 1,814 (2011) to 1,487. netherlands, 25 less congregations.
The country's that have less congregations, is there also a decrease in publishers? If there isn't, could they just be combing congregations?
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
A guest- thank you so much for your post. I remember the 1st time I thought it was in my husbands best interests to push him. I sensed that he felt like a loser and people disrespected and took advantage of both him and his family. It pissed me off. I immediately did something about it and watched him smile in pride as he took full credit for what I really made happen. It hurt a bit, but, I shrugged it off to him being caught up in a moment where someone really respected him. That was what started this path.
I have asked him what he's missing in the relationship. He says he doesn't like any arguing or drama. So, I was very careful not to argue. But, it's like he gets bored and starts arguing when I don't in a very strong way. Not in a mean way, but more of a banter. And then in the next breath says how he loves bantering with me. Gives him some sort of chase. He just confuses me and says differing things so I never no what to do...
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
S- maybe your right. I was in a good relationship before, and I was so carefree. I was considered flighty and ditsy. I have that side of me. I have a smart side and then a very ditsy side... I like both. But, with my husband I don't feel like I can ever be just carefree...
I Think My Marriage Is Over...
by cognac ini know exactly what happened... he thinks i'm going to die at the big a and wants to be with someone he can live forever with.... we have two girls, ages 3 and 1... i really thought we'd make it despite the religion, now i really don't think so... not sure what to do... .
S- apparently, I didn't. Never thought he'd cheat...
flipper- you hit the nail on the head. On one hand, I don't want a broken family. I want my kids to see their father every day, not just on weekends. On the other hand, I don't want to teach them to accept this type of behavior with the men in their lives...
I'm so torn...