Well, you smell like poop, shampoo...
Posts by cognac
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
Well, I read the definition of a troll earlier in this thread- one who stirs up trouble or whatnot... Can't really argue with that... But at least I don't throw poop!!! (Don't worry, I won't tell)...
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
awww, little monkeys are adorable! Even though they through poop...
Can you equate Jehovah as a murderer???
by cognac inhad this long talk with hubby about the fact that if you allow your child to die because of the blood issue you are no different then a murderer.
he said then jehovah is a murderer because he allowed his son to die.
he knew what was going to happen and allowed it when he could have stopped it..... hmmmm, not sure how to wrap my brain around that.
Had this long talk with hubby about the fact that if you allow your child to die because of the blood issue you are no different then a murderer. He said then Jehovah is a murderer because he allowed his son to die. He knew what was going to happen and allowed it when he could have stopped it....
hmmmm, not sure how to wrap my brain around that. I just don't feel god would be unjust but I can't really explain this.... Any thoughts?
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
I agree with the whole troll thing being used around here WAY to often... It's been really obnoxious at times...
Need advice from a female
by CADSkin inlong story short.
ive been married for 18 years to my beautiful wife.
when i was younger i had a lot of attention due to my looks which has always made me extremely uncomfortable.
Ballistic- what do you think the problem is?
Need advice from a female
by CADSkin inlong story short.
ive been married for 18 years to my beautiful wife.
when i was younger i had a lot of attention due to my looks which has always made me extremely uncomfortable.
Oh, good! To go along with what Coffee said, these women ARE NOT being kind to you or your wife especially. If I were you, I'd never say these women are kind to your wife... She could very well take that as you are not on her side...
Need advice from a female
by CADSkin inlong story short.
ive been married for 18 years to my beautiful wife.
when i was younger i had a lot of attention due to my looks which has always made me extremely uncomfortable.
So out of all the suggestions, are you going to implement any of them?
Need advice from a female
by CADSkin inlong story short.
ive been married for 18 years to my beautiful wife.
when i was younger i had a lot of attention due to my looks which has always made me extremely uncomfortable.
I would just be all over her and don't bother with these women until she feels more secure. If a woman is talking to you go on and on about how awesome your wife is.
Put your arms around her constantly, flirt with her incessantly, put your hands in back of her jean pockets, especially when you are in public, etc, etc, etc.