Posts by cognac
I had some fun today.
by Defianttruth ini took the kids to a park at the center of our town today.
i say some inappropriately dressed people, and decided to investigate.
i keep a close eye on people at the play ground who don't fit in.
Long time listener first time caller
by Defianttruth ini would like to thank everyone who is a part of this community.
i have been abused by this billion dollar evil religion since i was born.
i am now in my late thirties and have been battling depression issues over my former abuses by this nongoverment organization.
Welcome. Honestly, though, I have to wonder if part of your depression lies in you avoiding putting blame on your father. I did the same thing with my dad. But, the truth is, there are plenty of JWs who have kids and don't abuse them. What your father did was wrong and your mother letting it happen was wrong also. He made the decision himself to be abusive. I was never able to get over things myself until I was able to admit and address that. I wasn't able to admit that because in my mind it was equivalent to saying my father hated me. I mean, I don't care if they outright told him or pressured him to do that, he still made that decision and is to be responsible for that decision.
and beating you til you passed out? Your father is a sick, sick person. What he did was wrong. In my opinion, it's going to be a hundred times harder to get over this until you can admit that to yourself.
Goodbye Bex
by TimeBandit inall i can do is cry.... .
in loving memory of bekkah mejia barnum fb: http://www.facebook.com/xjwbex.
she was a dear friend....
I'm sorry for your loss...
Can you equate Jehovah as a murderer???
by cognac inhad this long talk with hubby about the fact that if you allow your child to die because of the blood issue you are no different then a murderer.
he said then jehovah is a murderer because he allowed his son to die.
he knew what was going to happen and allowed it when he could have stopped it..... hmmmm, not sure how to wrap my brain around that.
" I find it interesting that your husband can on the one hand appear to be indignant over God murdering Jesus, or allowing children to be killed- yet he has no moral compass regarding his own unethical treatment of you or your children in your marital st rife at the moment. Seems somewhat hypocritical of him ."
flipper- this was just a conversation we were having. If it would come down to it, I believe he would actually have a blood transfusion and just say it was a moment of weakness. When I was in labor with my first child, the doctor said I may need to have a transfusion. He said ok to the doctor and I said ok as long as it was a life and death matter. He completely supported me.
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
Well, you smell like poop, shampoo...
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
Well, I read the definition of a troll earlier in this thread- one who stirs up trouble or whatnot... Can't really argue with that... But at least I don't throw poop!!! (Don't worry, I won't tell)...
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
awww, little monkeys are adorable! Even though they through poop...
Can you equate Jehovah as a murderer???
by cognac inhad this long talk with hubby about the fact that if you allow your child to die because of the blood issue you are no different then a murderer.
he said then jehovah is a murderer because he allowed his son to die.
he knew what was going to happen and allowed it when he could have stopped it..... hmmmm, not sure how to wrap my brain around that.
Had this long talk with hubby about the fact that if you allow your child to die because of the blood issue you are no different then a murderer. He said then Jehovah is a murderer because he allowed his son to die. He knew what was going to happen and allowed it when he could have stopped it....
hmmmm, not sure how to wrap my brain around that. I just don't feel god would be unjust but I can't really explain this.... Any thoughts?
My Humble Opinion of This Forum
by turtleturtle infirst off, i love frequenting this forum.
it has given me the opportunity to truly put jw stuff to the test and i thank everyone for their helpful responses.. however, i have noticed a couple things.. 1) the use of the word "troll" is completely childish.
this is no different than the name calling used by jws (e.g.
I agree with the whole troll thing being used around here WAY to often... It's been really obnoxious at times...