PTT - He was the one who told me.
I don't think I've ever felt so betrayed... :(
i found out that my husband has not only gone to the elders, but has been going to members of my family about me over a period of a few years.
this piece of news is just so depressing.
i've been wondering how my family knew i didn't go and thats why so many of them have becoming more and more distant.
PTT - He was the one who told me.
I don't think I've ever felt so betrayed... :(
i found out that my husband has not only gone to the elders, but has been going to members of my family about me over a period of a few years.
this piece of news is just so depressing.
i've been wondering how my family knew i didn't go and thats why so many of them have becoming more and more distant.
I found out that my husband has not only gone to the elders, but has been going to members of my family about me over a period of a few years. I mean, why would he go to my family??? Why not ANYBODY ELSE???
This piece of news is just so depressing. I've been wondering how my family knew I didn't go and thats why so many of them have becoming more and more distant. He's taken away so many people I have loved. I just can't believe he did this.
I can take a lot but this is just to much. There was no reason for it. I even understood why he went to the elders but this??? I can't get beyond the fact that this was all his doing. I'm so upset I don't even want to get out of bed. I just want to lay here all day and cry. :(
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
I would be wary of a C/O.. he might feel that by using the "child custody pack" , husband would get custody . You never know what harm these guys are going to do before they swan off to their next assignment and leave a mess for others to live with.....
Does anyone have access to this child custody packet?
Hamster- we are definately not sleeping in the same bed.
Flipper, thank you so much. I enjoyed speaking with you also. I've started researching the area and as everything unravels I'll think about what to do. I'm still kind of in shock he actually told on me.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
@kate - He lied to them to get you d'ffed? Don't they need 2 witnesses?
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
Thanks Min. I didn't know you had a daughter my age! Anyways, at this point there's no way I'm talking to them.
Thanks Kate. I wouldnt actually move out of state without him. I know he'd go with me. It's something he's wanted anyways and I think it's his JW friends keeping him here right now. They are all rallying around him in "support" even talking about giving him an MS position. He's always wanted the elders approval and now with this "stand" he's taking he's finally gotten that.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
The only thing is though, unless they talk to my kid there really is only 1 witness.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
So, I told hubby that, "I'm moving to where its warmer if I'm disfellowshipped and I'd like him to come with us." He's always known I only live here because of family. What did he think would happen when my family was taken away from me? I know if I move somewhere he'd go with me and I'd probably get a two-family since I'm still intending on moving forward with the divorce.
His response, "I'm the head of this household and I'll make those decisions."
I said, "I'm not asking you. I'm telling what I've already made a decision on."
He said, "I can't raise the kids up as JWs without your parents help."
I told him, "I guess you should have thought about this before you ratted me out to the elders and took my parents away from me. I hate the cold and if I don't have my family there is no reason to stay. I am thinking about TX, FL or CA."
Anyways, now he is going to tell the elders they need to drop it and not to bother me. However; I told him it's probably to late because he already told on me. He seems to think otherwise.
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
"Have them put the meeting request in writing. Have your lawyer reply. If an elder calls or speaks to you in person, start asking about his finances, when he asks why you want to know, tell him you don't want to wast your time sueing a poor person. They will drop this like a dog turd!"
Thats a good idea!
i was thinking about this anouncment at the zone visit today.
this so called test of faith may be that the wt is going bust.
let's face it, for a while now we have seen the wt trying to scrimp and save as much as possible such as .
When is this announcement supposed to take place?
i celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
@3rdgen - If they are willing to use my child as a witness against me I highly doubt I'd be able to reason that with them.