Omfg, this is absolutely crazy. Even I didn't think they were doing that bad financially to do something like this. Either A) they ARE doing that bad financial, or; B) they are just that evil...
I'm completely speechless... Is this definitely legit?
"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
Omfg, this is absolutely crazy. Even I didn't think they were doing that bad financially to do something like this. Either A) they ARE doing that bad financial, or; B) they are just that evil...
I'm completely speechless... Is this definitely legit?
i don't know if this is already posted so sorry people if it is.
cedars site has had a request to take down the leaked letter regarding changes to the theocratic ministry school and other issues.. the reason given by wt is that it is a "copyright" issue.
of course this validates the letters authenticity even more.. have a good day or night people.
got a call from a relative that i should go to the meeting this sunday because something major to be announced.
(they were told it has to do with branches closing down, missionaries being sent home, etc).
i said it's probably money.
no the wt borg is not closing!
that's wild dreaming!
they have been changing directions for a while now, and for whatever reasons, what is happening now is a part of that change!
I agree with The Searcher. They still have, I believe, 16 properties in Brooklyn that can be sold and probably a lot of other properties without batting an eyelash. Probably starting with printing facilities now that they aren't doing as much print work. Aren't the selling the UK branch and doing the print out of Germany?
Once it gets down to consolidating Kingdom Halls everywhere, that's a good sign, "the end" of them is right around the corner.
We probably have a ways to go before that happens though.
no the wt borg is not closing!
that's wild dreaming!
they have been changing directions for a while now, and for whatever reasons, what is happening now is a part of that change!
I was wondering if they were going to resume construction next year when they recieved the 250 million from property sales.
But, wouldn't that be weird? Because they just said they were stopping it to focus on the preaching in this, "time of the end"...
Makes me think that that money is already used up. Otherwise, why take such a hard stance on stopping the construction to focus on preaching just to turn around a few months later and resume it? Especially where it's the property that's going to make them money...
Seems like they *can't* continue it...
no the wt borg is not closing!
that's wild dreaming!
they have been changing directions for a while now, and for whatever reasons, what is happening now is a part of that change!
I don't agree with this at all. Of course they counted the costs of construction. Something happened along the way that made them have to put a sudden halt on this. Remember, this issue happen AFTER they received 500 million in sales from property. That is VERY, VERY telling.
Also, a lot has changed since 2001. Many, many more people are using the internet, for example, which has been probably the greatest demise for the JWs.
Even Lett said that more money was going out then was coming in.
Yes, they still have a ton of property that will keep them going for sometime. How much time that will buy them I don't have an opinion on yet.
i found this picture and i just can't believe it?
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
DoC - Honestly, IMO, just DA'ing yourself is sometimes a lot better of an option. Having to constantly look over your shoulders in case someone "catches" you, gets really old, really quick. It sucks.
Also, as far as the herding cats comment... I've seen that a lot on this forum in the past. Definitely a true statement. That's why:
A. I think there needs to be a central person to move the process along. Maybe even gathering info to do the actually sending of letters out, and;
B. I feel like the general feel for where people are at on this forum has changed from years prior. People seem, imo, to be more ready and more wanting to have a clean(er) break of this cult.
Please note: I'm not saying I'm right, this is just my opinion.