Lay off Brummie!! He my friend!!!
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
Lay off Brummie!! He my friend!!!
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
You have every right to your opinions, but before posting recognize that your readers also have a right to vehemently and often vigorously disagree with them, and in this process your feelings may get hurt.
You are preaching to the choir. Hurt feelings are not my concern. Truth is. I suppose you also seek and approve of that. I post seriously, my words are seriously meant. Attacks are seriously taken but not personally. Otherwise, I would not be here.
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
At the risk of saying something again which will be on the wrong side of whatever some here think is right..... as Christians, as followers of the Christ, should we only walk where the atmosphere is pleasant and non-judgemental? If Jesus were to have had that kind of attitude would we today be Christians?
If Jim Penton has deleted his link to JWD because of this thread then imo it is a very good thing that he did. He can be of no help to anyone here if he cannot stand the heat of opposition and respond in a Christian manner while being opposed. Jesus stood the heat and responded forcefully but righteously. Certainly if we have God's spirit we can do the same.
so much talk of destruction, adverse judgement and the biga etc.... .
but the bible clearly talks of destruction of "god's" enemies right?
it can't be that many.
I believe God's worst enemies are the hypocritical religious leaders who claim to love him but in reality love their religious organization/law more than they love God. Jesus spoke out against these very ones. Whether they are members of the GB or governing members of any other religion they are enemies of God if they put their religious law above God himself or the Bible. imo.
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
These Boards are rough, tough places. It is inherent in their very nature. Never take anything that happens here very seriously, it will only bring you misery if you do.
I take much of what is said here seriously because it is seriously meant. I presume your reactions to this thread were seriously meant, were they not?
I presume that most if not all the criticisms on this thread were seriously meant, mine certainly were. Your comment is perplexing.
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
I am a regular reader of Channel C. Mr. Penton and Mr. Jonsson both post there on a regular basis as do other well known exJW Christians. Jim Whitney posted a thread there on a way one might reconcile the Bible and evolution. Unfortunately, some posters there threatened to leave Channel C because of it. It was seeing Jim Penton regularly posting there that prompted my hope that he would also help out people here.
Well, I now wish I had never hoped that at all. Not because of the reaction on this thread but just because.......(leaving some things to myself).
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
I would like to sincerely and deeply from my heart thank those on this thread who spoke from their heart. Anger expressed from a good heart is not always a bad thing. It's the heart that counts and I know there are many, many loving hearts here.
That, ironically, was what prompted this thread. I have come to love everyone on this board no matter who they are or what their beliefs or disbeliefs may be. In a sense, we are all still brothers. Brothers who once were Witnesses and who will always, in one way or another, be connected by that experience, another kind of "brother"if you will. It's been noted on another thread that in some respects I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed (that was a simple paraphrase not a direct quote and will probably be regarded by that poster as either a gross misrepresentation of what he said or an understatement. my only response to that is: see you were right:). In many ways though he was right. I'm not the keenest person on this board. I do not know all the ins and outs of religious history or Watchtower history, or evolutionary evidences, or the sciences .....well, you get the picture. I know only these things: I love my God and my family and my brother/neighbor, whoever and wherever he may be.
It was in the interests of those two things, the love for all the hurting here and the recognition that there are exJW Christians out there much more qualified and educated than I am and who might be able to help some new ones here to remain hoping in God and his Son. Frustration in my own limited ability and the knowledge that they are imo spiritual goldmines who by their word and their name could be a significant influence towards helping some keep their faith in God was the motivation behind this thread.
Someone called into question my manners and that was a fair statement. All I can say is that from my perspective, as someone who loves God with all her heart, seeing his name and his person degraded here is a very difficult thing, (no mannerly considerations there for the feelings of others). Many times I have wanted to run away and sometimes I have because of the difficulties here, the harshness. But I've come to realize that when God is degraded here it is because so many have been so deeply hurt and that hurt can easily turn to anger. I ask please that you all give me the same latitude when my frustration and hurt with my exJW Christian brothers bubbles up as it did on this thread.
I, at one time, hoped that Jim Penton and Carl Olaf Jonsson and others like them would come and post a little here because I felt they could help so many who are about to lose their faith. But that hope is finished now. I know they will not come. But hey, life goes on and God does keep us going even if we are a little on the slow side.
"Brotherly" love to you all,
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
Hi Leolaia,
I just feel that the so called "best" should be where they are most needed not where it is easiest to post. I understand very well the problems and hurts that can come to Christians posting here but that does not mean as Christians we should seek the easy road and only speak to those of like faith. Prominant exJW Christians should have enough courage and enough of God's spirit to post here. If not then they are fooling themselves. Let them walk on the water and help their brother if they claim to be Christians.
I have no respect for men and women who claim to be Christians and who have the ability and education to defend their faith but who chose the comfortable path of preaching to the choir rather than to help their fallen brothers.
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
I've heard that some of the more prominant exJW Christians will not soil their feet by coming here. My post above is an attempt to see if this is true. If it is then they are not Christians at all!
jim penton wrote on channel c:.
"posted by jimpenton on sun - oct 31 - 6:48pm: .
.... therefore, i want to devote the last years of my life (i am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing.
Jim Penton wrote on Channel C:
"Posted by JimPenton on Sun - Oct 31 - 6:48pm:
.... Therefore, I want to devote the last years of my life (I am 72)to more positive, upbuilding activities such as giving a testimony to my faith through manifesting the fruits of the spirit, attempting to minister to the widows and orphans in their affliction, and to giving a positive witness through my writing. I am looking for a better Kingdom than any that exist here.
Jim "
Please, Jim Penton, come here to JWD and share your experiences and knowledge with your thirsting former brothers! I am at a loss to understand why you do not post here? Hoping you will, Jim Penton! Hoping you will defend your faith here and help those who need some encouragement here. There are many spiritual widows and orphans here. Put your faith in action please, put God to the test please, love us please.