"Undocumented" immigrants cannot have congregation privileges.One young man who was ... a ministerial servant apparently ... until he married a very attractive but undocumented immigrant sister. He was taken down from ministerial servant after the wedding.
This is a quandry. Welcome everyone, but what about Ceasar's law? How many examples have we heard about the poor person who found Tha Lawd of JWs and gave back what he stole? Or the couple who realized they just must legalize thier commonlaw marriage. Or the scofflaw who paid all those parking tickets. Or that going over the speed limit is a great disservice to Jah. Or to not even think about taking home that paperclip from work without paying for it.
If there are illegals in the KH (I've never seen them) then wouldn't the Body and/or CO tell them they should obey the law and go home? Or at the very least pay income tax where required.