Ok, just briefly. We are talking about the one who created all things, GOD. He has the power to control the rain, wind, fire etc. etc. He made sure those that were worthy of salvation survived. Where does it say that there was salt water anywhere upon the earth in the beginning? When it rains water drifts downward from the high areas to the lower until the bottoms fill like a bath tub of course. It is possible that some chemicals mixed together to form salt water from the water pouring down from the highest regions downward. It does say that GOD destroyed the earth as well. As for the Ark it says that it begin to float as the waters raised so there is no written evidence that suggests it driftes aimlessly. Remember we should not go beyond what is written. It is obvious that living things to adapt and in example, your skin becomes darker when exposed to the sun as a protection from the rays. Evolution as I know it is where one species forms into another such as a dog turning into a cat. Which monkey species did you evolve from? I will make it a point to go visit your grandfather......jk of course :) There is no evidence whatsoever that one species can evolve into another. What makes me wonder is how all life have the same similarities such as eyes to see, a brain to think, and reproductive organs. Where did a sloth evolve from if man evolved from ape? Makes no sense does it. By the way I work in the area of civil, environmental design engineering etc etc. Everything requires a designer in order to have order and perfect design. Things do not create themselves.......
Oh....my....GOD!! Is this a joke? I have no idea where to begin correcting this gem of breathtaking ignorance. I guess I'll start with:
Where does it say that there was salt water anywhere upon the earth in the beginning? When it rains water drifts downward from the high areas to the lower until the bottoms fill like a bath tub of course. It is possible that some chemicals mixed together to form salt water from the water pouring down from the highest regions downward. It does say that GOD destroyed the earth as well.
If you believe that all the sea animals that require salt water to live evolved in the 4200 or so years since the flood, you believe in a much, much more radical form of evolution then I do. Take for just one example the seahorse. There is no freshwater seahorse that it could have adapted from, and it is radically different from the typical fish. From where did such a thing come? This is just one of a million examples I could have used. It isn't as though life in the sea is scarce.
Of course, you can always resort to magic, as in your opening remarks. Obviously an all powerful God could do anything. How did he control the change in atmospheric presssure? Magic. How did he pack every species of animal into one boat? Magic. Where did they store all the massive amounts of food, including live animals that many carnivorous animals require, and make sure none of it rotted in such a damp environment? Magic. How did they get rid of the methane gas that would have built up from all that animal waste? How did they get rid of the animal waste for that matter? How did a tiny crew take care of feeding and cleaning up after all those animals? Magic, Magic, Magic. The point was you initially stated there is EVIDENCE for a global flood, then when it is pointed out to you there is zero, that the evidence we have actually makes that impossible, you resort to magic. That is an untestable hypothesis that anyone could claim about anything.Evolution as I know it is where one species forms into another such as a dog turning into a cat. Which monkey species did you evolve from?
This statement reveals you know absolutely nothing about evolution. No one believes in the ridiculous scenario you described. Evolution absolutely does not say that we came from monkeys, or that a dog turned into a cat. No biologist alive thinks that ever happened, in fact, such a thing would be against evolutionary theory and would require us to go back to the drawing board.
What I really find amazing is the arrogance of someone that clearly knows zero about evolutionary theory, yet will actually argue about it. As I stated before, I was an atheist before I accepted evolution. Why? Because I belived then what you believe now, that evolution is nonsense. I believed that because my sources of information about evolution were from the WTB&TS, like the Creation book and the Creator book. What changed my mind? Learning the actual theory, from scientists that study it. It was only then I realized I had been deliberately misled by the people I had put my faith in, as you are now. Once again, I urge you to actually educate yourself on these topics. And I will once again reiterate that if you want to discuss either of these topics further, it would be a good idea to start a new thread.