Don't think you can edit posts on here, but I wanted to ask this also. Can jw's make out (like kissing and hugging) before marriage? I would think it would be ok. I know that oral sex is a sin, and premartial sex is also a sin.
JoinedPosts by asdf44
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
They must be allowed to go out with non witnesses since her dad married 2 non witnesses, and was not disfellowshipped for the kingdom hall.
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
She openly talks about religion. Her dad has been married twice before to non-witnesses, and has been divorced twice before. She says she doesn't talk to her mom who she hates, and wasn't a witness. She also joined the wt only about 2 or 3 years ago...she's 20 now. I'm 17. She's openly talked about the religion when I've asked about it. She's the nicest person I've ever met, and one of the only girls I talk to.
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
I still really like this girl. I asked her last night if jw's could go out with non witnesses, and she basically said yes, but it was hard because the non believers family has a hard time dealing with the witness not celebrating anything. I would really like to ask her out to a movie or something, but I'm afraid to.
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
Every night I go home from work after working with her I feel so bad. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and her smile is amazing.'s just really really frustrating having to work with someone that you really like and know that there is virtually 0 chance you'll ever see each other outside of work.
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
Uh...not the response I wanted, but I figured I would get that. There have been successful relationships though, right? Someone give me some kind of hope just to make me feel better.
Can I (a Christian) go out with a jw?
by asdf44 inok, this is burning me up inside.
i really like this girl i work with.
she's a few years older than me, but we get along great.
Ok, this is burning me up inside. I really like this girl I work with. She's a few years older than me, but we get along great. I don't go to church, and am only a Christian because my parents were. We've talked about religion before, and have came to understand that that most of the beliefs of jw's are not unfounded. Some views are extreme, such as the view of governments, and some sex practices, but overall, jw's are not that extreme as some people make them out to be. So, what are the odds I could go out with her if I asked?