I don't get it. Why spend so much time and energy trying to disprove JWs? If you don't like them, go away. It's pretty obvious to me that people who frequent such a site have guilty feelings about how far they've strayed from God and just want others in likewise situations to stroke their fragile image of themselves. Blondie, do you go to the Catholic, Babtist, Buddhist, Presbyterian, Methodist, etc websites to bash them too? What is your purpose in life, really? I'm not a witness, but your crap reminds me of the politicians who have nothing original of their own to say so they constantly attack others. It must be really sad to live in your skin. I'll pray for you.
JoinedPosts by 49&holding
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-30-08 WT Study (God's ways)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the march 30, 2008 wt study (february 15, 2008, pages 7-11) (walk gods ways).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.