LMAO. I know I was LOL.
JoinedPosts by nbernat
10 Things that Aggravated an Ex-Witness
by nbernat inyou guys probably have seen these but try to add on more!
10 things that can aggravate a witness.
1. cell phones ringing during the meeting: you're at a congregation meeting and everyone important to you is at that meeting too.
Were You Skeptical of "the Annointed Ones" in Your Congregation?
by BabaYaga insorry in advance to all of the ones on this forum now, who partook while jw.
i have to say that in my experience, having known personally several who were "of the annointed", most were absolutely dingy.
the only exception was the little ancient gal who had attended the early convention where all attendees were "annointed" en masse!
I'm the only anointed in our Hall. And I'm a teenager.
10 Things that Aggravated an Ex-Witness
by nbernat inyou guys probably have seen these but try to add on more!
10 things that can aggravate a witness.
1. cell phones ringing during the meeting: you're at a congregation meeting and everyone important to you is at that meeting too.
Lol. Yeah I know.
I know another one. . .the supposed pioneer guy with hopes of going to Bethel who uses his binoculars to check out the girls at the district conventions instead of listening to Splane. -
10 Things that Aggravated an Ex-Witness
by nbernat inyou guys probably have seen these but try to add on more!
10 things that can aggravate a witness.
1. cell phones ringing during the meeting: you're at a congregation meeting and everyone important to you is at that meeting too.
You guys probably have seen these but try to add on more! 10 Things That Can Aggravate A Witness
1. Cell Phones Ringing During the Meeting: You're at a congregation meeting and everyone important to you is at that meeting too. Why is your cell phone on? TURN IT OFF! If it must be on, please use the silent or vibrate setting. Kill the funky hip-hop ringtone! It's inappropriate.
2. Over-singing: Everyone isn't meant to sing like Whitney, Mariah and Celine. This is not an audition for American Idol. For the record, no one has ever been discovered singing in a Kingdom Hall.
3. Name Dropping and Shout-outs: So, you personally know a member of the Bethel family, a Circuit Overseer or a Missionary. Great! You don't need to make a reference to this or share an experience about it in all of your comments. This may cause some to develop an inferiority complex, but it may cause others to avoid you. Hint, hint.
4. Excessive and Constant Head Nodding: Even though you aren't actually talking, your body language is a distraction. Cut it out so I can pay attention!
5. Clapping At Everything: You've been touched and that's beautiful. But just because you can't shout or catch 'the spirit/ghost', doesn't mean it's proper to channel all of your energy into clapping. Please calm down.
6.. People Who Constantly Go To the bathroom: Nobody has to use the bathroom four times during a meeting. Okay, we've all seen your new outfit, now...SIT DOWN!!!
7. People Who Can't Control Their Kids: If your child is playing at his/her seat, running around and going back and forth to the bathroom, then this is a time not to spare the rod.
8. Bringing Food: If you brought your baby or toddler a snack, but you're the one eating it and dropping crumbs everywhere, that's a problem. Take your Oreo's and your greed outside!
9.. People Who Criticize: If you're standing in a corner gossiping about how you could've done a better job at something and you haven't volunteered to help with anything, I'm going to have to ask you to SHUT UP!!!
10. Parents Who Dress Better Than Their Kids: If you come in looking like a model for a fashion show and your precious, little sweetie is dragging behind you looking like she/he belongs in a 'Feed the Children' commercial, you are WRONG. Wipe your kid's nose, comb your kid's hair and buy the kid something decent to wear. Don't leave home looking like a million dollars while your kid is looking like a Food Stamp. -
What do you miss the LEAST and what do you miss the MOST about the Borg?
by nbernat inwhat i will miss least.
the last talk at any assembly or convention that seems to drag on forever although it's supposed to only be 1 hour long.
what i will miss most.
What I will miss least. . . The last talk at any assembly or convention that seems to drag on forever although it's supposed to only be 1 hour long. What I will miss most. . . All of the brothers putting smiles on and trying to act spiritual when the C.O. visits-- i.e. people who never arrived on time are arriving 30 min. early, and brothers who never commented are suddenly comment masters.
Special talk awesome! How could I have been so blind?
by IMustBreakAway inlistening to the special talk this sunday really put things into perspective for me.
see mans governments have failed because every five seconds a baby dies.. but jebuss government which was established in 1914, wait it was established in 1914?
i mean cause thats a hundred years ago.
Yes it was. And so absurd.
so why do they do it?
by atpeace ini'm in the middle of reading coc.
quite the eye opener to things i already suspected.
my question is this - if some on the governing body have doubts, how can they just go along with it?
That is EXACTLY why they do it. They have so much power it's insane. They get free vacations, hell they probably have been to more countries than the people in the UN. They are so powerful and are literally like royalty within the JW organization. And as others have said, they've worked too hard to get there. But what I wonder if is they express their doubts to each other or keep them locked inside?
Preceding weeks' WT articles?
by nbernat inthey are pretty much glorifying themselves (the gb and anointed that is) and putting unto themselves the names of a prophet and only source for interpretation of the bible.
whatever the hell they decide to make of the bible is law and should be accepted good willingly!.
because they were named by the master jesus christ.
And try the last two or three articles, ALL about the anointed. They're like the new Christ.
Preceding weeks' WT articles?
by nbernat inthey are pretty much glorifying themselves (the gb and anointed that is) and putting unto themselves the names of a prophet and only source for interpretation of the bible.
whatever the hell they decide to make of the bible is law and should be accepted good willingly!.
because they were named by the master jesus christ.
It is the January Study Edition of 2008.
Preceding weeks' WT articles?
by nbernat inthey are pretty much glorifying themselves (the gb and anointed that is) and putting unto themselves the names of a prophet and only source for interpretation of the bible.
whatever the hell they decide to make of the bible is law and should be accepted good willingly!.
because they were named by the master jesus christ.
All I can say is WOW.
They are pretty much glorifying themselves (the GB and anointed that is) and putting unto themselves the names of a prophet and ONLY source for interpretation of the Bible. . .and get THIS:
Because they were named by the master Jesus Christ. . .
Oh, and though they didn't want to focus too much on it and went by it very briefly in a sentence or two in an unimportant paragraph, people can still become anointed in our times as the recollection is not over yet though it has "slowed down". . .
Maybe the GB is getting scared it'll die out before "The Great Day of Jehovah" comes?
Talk about a cult being led by some old men who get free vacations to practically every country in the world and power even Bush would envy.