JoinedPosts by LexIsFree
Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM indo any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
At one of the last conventions I attended (Buckingham, PA, USA) my then 6 month old daughter needed her diaper changed. I figured "let me be a good husband and do it so that my wife can "enjoy" the program". I go into the men's bathroom where they had diaper changing stations. When I walk out the bathroom, two young MS's are waiting for me to scold me about changing diapers and how that is, I kid you not, women's job and it was inappropriate for me to take a girl into the men's bathroom. Needless to say my blood was boiling. Here are these two young punks trying to tell me that I am wrong for doing what a father should do. I calmly replied, "you're right young man. When you soil yourself, come look for me in my seat. I'll gladly change your diaper". prick.Link +18 / -0 -
What Convinced you to Leave?
by LaurenM ini've been posting here a lot, but these last few weeks have been very difficult for me.
anyways, lately, i've been thinking about confessing everything i've done to the elders and going back, but deep down, i don't really think it's the truth...so my question is, what convinced you it wasn't the truth and that leaving wasn't a horrible decision that everyone in the truth makes it out to be?
1914 teaching
Overlapping generation (which I honestly still don't really understand)
The fact that an elder can commit a sin, go three years or more without confessing, then confessing, and not have to face a judicial committee. That wouldn't happen to a R&F
Not reporting child abuse to authorities
Constant change in blood doctrine
But most of all, the conditional love. No one should ever love you only because you are doing what they say. Real love is unconditional.
Link +4 / -0 -
Are we helping to fulfill "prophecy"?
by LexIsFree ini'm sure this has been discussed before, but i have been thinking the last few days about all of us.
the "evil apostate" family.
we all have suffered at the hands of the org and their brain washing of our family and friends.
Are we helping to fulfill "prophecy"?
by LexIsFree ini'm sure this has been discussed before, but i have been thinking the last few days about all of us.
the "evil apostate" family.
we all have suffered at the hands of the org and their brain washing of our family and friends.
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I have been thinking the last few days about all of us. The "evil apostate" family. We all have suffered at the hands of the org and their brain washing of our family and friends. Some of us, like myself, haven't spoken to our dear friends in years! That hurts. The hurt and knowing ttatt have led some, if not all of us, to want the WT to fall and be destroyed. Some of us share our knowledge of ttatt in a nice way, some of us do it aggressively. Some even protest outside of conventions or even in the KH (2015 memorial video on YT comes to mind). My question is "Are we helping to fulfill the Witnesses idea that they will be persecuted in the " last days" therefore justifying their deep seeded belief that they are indeed God's chosen people and the TRUTH??" What do you guys think? -
Cognitive Dissonance
by LexIsFree inthe cognitive dissonance amongst jws has never been more obvious to me then what i just experience in the last 5 min.
long story short i had a phone conversation w/my mom about some things and i mentioned to her to look up what has been going on with their beloved organization in australia.
brother geoffrey jackson of the holy governing body was caught lying numerous times about several subjects including disassociations & shunning.
@Diana I know exactly what you mean. I never bring up religion with my mom. She always brings it up. I let her talk. I listen. The minute I try to express what I have learned or my opinion her response is "Let's not talk about this" or "I have to go". They are so willing to push what they believe on you, but won't even take a second to listen to another opinion. It's disheartening.Link +1 / -0 -
Cognitive Dissonance
by LexIsFree inthe cognitive dissonance amongst jws has never been more obvious to me then what i just experience in the last 5 min.
long story short i had a phone conversation w/my mom about some things and i mentioned to her to look up what has been going on with their beloved organization in australia.
brother geoffrey jackson of the holy governing body was caught lying numerous times about several subjects including disassociations & shunning.
@disilussioned 2 I understand how you feel. My parents are in there 60s. At this point I don't even want them to wake up. It's all they know and it would shatter their world. I just want them to acknowledge that this isn't the "truth". It's just another religion. But what does it matter I guess.Link +4 / -0 -
Cognitive Dissonance
by LexIsFree inthe cognitive dissonance amongst jws has never been more obvious to me then what i just experience in the last 5 min.
long story short i had a phone conversation w/my mom about some things and i mentioned to her to look up what has been going on with their beloved organization in australia.
brother geoffrey jackson of the holy governing body was caught lying numerous times about several subjects including disassociations & shunning.
Cognitive Dissonance
by LexIsFree inthe cognitive dissonance amongst jws has never been more obvious to me then what i just experience in the last 5 min.
long story short i had a phone conversation w/my mom about some things and i mentioned to her to look up what has been going on with their beloved organization in australia.
brother geoffrey jackson of the holy governing body was caught lying numerous times about several subjects including disassociations & shunning.