Now I'm on step # 7
- Doing Laundry isnt to bad actually.
my wify has been gone for two weeks, and i,m running out of skivies.
i havnt done laundry in years, anybody!
hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
Now I'm on step # 7
- Doing Laundry isnt to bad actually.
i have to confess to being a weak ohio state university fan....that said: .
go buckeyes!!!!!
kick the crap out of miami!!!!!!.
Living in Big 10 country, I will be pulling for the bucks. Y ou got my support man!
can anybody place a link to the old mn thread here to make this a proper bump thread?
i can't copy and paste at the library.
Its a go!
Gopher has the details. It will be fun to meetcha.
my wify has been gone for two weeks, and i,m running out of skivies.
i havnt done laundry in years, anybody!
hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
I keep getting stuck on step #3!
my wify has been gone for two weeks, and i,m running out of skivies.
i havnt done laundry in years, anybody!
hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
Went to marthaStewart site found how to antique my own mirror and how to make candles. Just said I'm out of hear. The,'bring to moms' is a good one.
Thanks Neon and caligirl!
my wify has been gone for two weeks, and i,m running out of skivies.
i havnt done laundry in years, anybody!
hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
My wify has been gone for two weeks, and I,m running out of skivies. I havnt done laundry in years, anybody! Hot/ cold/ colors/ whites- i'm lost.
this time of year many reflect on the past ands to come in the future.
i got to thinking .
of some of my friends i had growing up as a jw.
You are the best and i look forward to see ya this weekend!
PS, how do you go back and edit your own post? I just reread what i posted- typos.
this time of year many reflect on the past ands to come in the future.
i got to thinking .
of some of my friends i had growing up as a jw.
This time of year many reflect on the past ands to come in the future. I Got to thinking
of some of my friends i had growing up as a Jw. Going to school as a jw, your told 'your
true friends are at the hall, those kids at school are not your true fiends.'I still had many
'worldly' friends throughout high school, put that friendship started and ended with
ring of the bell, since extra caricular activities we not allowed.And going out and doing
something with a 'worldly' kid wasnt going to happen. So when school was done,
friendships were done. In the meantime many of my 'true friends' at the hall were
getting Dfed or leaving and those friendships were lost as well. For what? Fast-
farward 10 or so years, and being inactive for about 3 years most friend i had at
the hall dont associate with me becuase i guess i'm one of those 'worldly' guys
now.(but thats all my fault, i guess) On the other hand i ran into a dozen or so i went to
school with, all good friends still. How quickly a friend can come and go as a Jw.
It really is so sad how a bunch of men can label someone- 'worldly' , 'DFed', 'inactive'
what ever, and so many lives and friendships are involved. I'm so glad my friends
now are built on a solid foundation and not based on labels.
now that u are thinking about deserting the org and religion.....do you believe in the devil?.
This tread reminded me of one of the bits on the show 'jackass'.
One of the guys on the show dressed up in a satan outfit and walked
up and down the side walk in front of a church yelling "I GOT A BAD RAP
Some guy came up to him and started punching him. It was one of the
funnest bits i've ever seen.
happy new year!
- is it just me, or is ruby tuesday the hotest poster on this forum!
O ya gin and juice for me, thank you.