I was not born in and I never was a whitness however, when my daughter was dating my son-in-law, he was 18 at the time she was younger. They called him in on a Saturday for a JC meeting. Three elders kept him for 3 hours questioning him about his relationship with my daughter. Asking questions like, are you having sex? no. Oh come on, a young male with raging hormones and your not having sex with her? No.... Your a 18 yr. old male and your telling us that your dating a young good looking young lady and your not having sex with her?... No
This type of questioning went on for 3 hours. He told my daughter about it later and she told me about it. I was furious, what right did they have discussing my daughter and her sex life? It was none of their business!!! She was not a JW! I wasn't suppose to know about it, I guess he wasn't suppose to talk about the jc meeting. He also didn't know my daughter told me about it.
They just kept on him till he finally told them what they wanted to know just to get out of there.
They take something innocent and make it dirty, lay a quilt trip on everyone for every little thing.
It's no wonder Flipper you didn't feel good about having friendships with females. Look the wrong way at someone and you will be called in for questioning. Like the FBI, next they will be waterboarding.