Food For Thought:
I greet the outdoors as I prepare to make my way to the market place. I am immediately directed by my Father to a lilac bush. He instructs me to pluck a small cluster of my favorite scent in the dewy mornings. It immediately brings tears to my eyes because His gifts are so simple but yet touch the heart in a great way. A subtle reminder as a gift of love from Me to you is the meaning He tells me. We suffer in affliction in this battle but it will cease.
I walk along the path not knowing what to anticipate next. I am on constant guard from those that choose to battle with us. The breeze has a small chill yet is refreshes my soul. The sun is bright and the day seems filled with life as I walk along. I enter into the market place and browse the fresh produce in the bins. He helps me make my selections and has me try out new flavors and new forms of nourishment. I smile at a few of the others in the market place as they all seem so kind. As I make my way to the checkout attendant a young female relays to me how tired she is. I am thinking I know the feeling, and know that I am to recognize her words as another sign of the times we live in.
As I make my way back to my dwelling place I am instructed to walk to the side where there are many small animals. A bunny rabbit, along with many prairie dogs are out and about enjoying the evening sun. He asks me to take out some of my fruit and pass some along to feed His creations which I enjoy doing. I take small bites from my apple and pass some along to the small rabbit hoping that it chooses to take our offering. I then seek out the prairie dogs but they are too far in the distance.
I sit along this small eroded stream with sandy banks. He instructs me to straddle the small stream with one foot on the left and one foot on the right. I am fully aware of the meaning and the thought of 1335 days comes to mind. I am thinking, yes I know you give me many signs, but it breaks my heart to know that Your Day is so close but seemingly so far. I do as instructed never passing by the opportunity to recieve a sign as a testimonial.
Another thing He tells me. Please take two seeds and dig a small hole in the ground. Place the seeds inside and cover the hole over. One seed is for you and one seed is for her, your future bride. This is the future before you and her He tells me, you will plant many seeds, and they will grow in perfection is the meaning. These Words are Faithful and True, guard them in your heart, raise your head up high. You will be with Me in Paradise.......