The late C Hitchens had a few things to say about spiritually derived theocracies and the social morality created from these theocrasies..
Worthy to listen in .
The late C Hitchens had a few things to say about spiritually derived theocracies and the social morality created from these theocrasies..
Worthy to listen in .
For me Good = God and Bad = the Devil.
So when your God kills millions of people, Innocent people ( ie. the great flood ) that is considered God = good ?
In your own perception Sab. Where does human ignorance fit in with your definition of Good or Evil as it applies to humanity ?
One thing that strong atheistic ideologies effectively does do is take away from men the play of the gods and what those
perceived gods can do for these individuals, mostly pertaining to self indulgent egotistical power and control.
No names mentioned
A psychological explanation of why we believe in gods .
The biggest problem for some people in society is that atheism leaves certain ones completely powerless, this is mostly concerning for men.
After all man was created in god's own image not a woman .
Taking power away from these men would be a dire evil from their own perspective.
Ask any leading governing body member of any organized religious organization. (JWS)
Here's an interesting discussion upon mankind's evolving social moralities distinctively created separate from any religious theology.
But how about another important factor in following the Christ which you left out and that is the total redemption for all sins.
Whats too difficult to understand ? Tec ?
Unfortunately this is a pertaining aspect of Christianity, some hold more to than all the others.
By looking at Christ without religion, and following the golden rule - as well as His teachings of showing love, mercy, forgiveness, and serving one another?
But how about another important factor in following the Christ which you left out and that is the total redemption for sin.
This one singular aspect to being a following believer of the Christ has killed millions and has cause untold damage and grief upon humanity.
In being of truthful acceptance and understanding of human psychology such as it is.
One thing that Christian apologists seemingly always avoid to recognize .
That's what creates utilitarianism. Killing the idea of God is evil, very evil. Don't partake in it.
Or would that create uniformity appealing solely to humanistic values for mankind ?
What purpose does God have without the terrible damage that controlling religions have upon mankind ?
And yes there is much plausible evidence of that as well.
How would one identify a God and its purposeful relationship with mankind without these maligning corrupt religions controlled by men ?