The WTS loves to tell the lamestream press and many JWs that it bans blood transfusions based on the bible only!
Yet, based on the June 15, 2000 WT magazine (QFR) and previous magazine articles, the WTS blood doctrine actually relies on a combination of bible verses (taken out of context) with medical information and scientific information. According to the doctrine, if blood or portions of blood "naturally" pass between two individuals that have two separate blood systems then Jehovah God is, in effect, telling the Faithful and Discreet Slave that it is okay to take the particular blood transfusion.
The science used by the WTS clearly shows that naturally occurring whole blood transfusions occur between two fetus in monochorionic gestations (both have separate blood systems). Science used by the WTS shows that naturally occurring immature red blood cells naturally transfer between mother and fetus (both have separate blood systems). Science used by the WTS has proven that white blood cells naturally pass between mother and baby during milk feeding. Science used by the WTS has proven the natural transfer of white blood cells from animal to human when humans drink blood. The WTS has even allowed the natural transfer of white blood cells by calling it a transplant and not a transfusion.
So how can the WTS tell the public it bans whole blood, red blood cell, white blood cell, plasma and platelet blood transfusions when the science it relies on clearly allows it?
Always keep in mind that the Watchtower has a Hospital Information Service in Georgetown Ontario as well as in New York State. The Service not only has men who review many medical and scientific journals but also has medical doctors on its staff and throughout the organization. These men know what is going on with this doctrine and they know they are wrong. They also know they are killing innocent children throughout the world because they are not teaching a doctrine honestly and in good faith.
These men drove the jeep deep into the ditch and are now stuck in the mud. Change the doctrine to stop the killing or allow the doctrine to "spin its wheels in the mud" to keep the congregation following them. Under the rules of risk management for religious corporations, the WTS has decided to choose the latter.
Remember, culpable homicide does not have a statute of limitations.