I just got in from vacation. I will read this article,( http://www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-164/issue-7/0969b.asp shortly.
Thanks but I wish I knew ahead of time.
we are close to acceptance of publication of a major article in an american medical journal that will.
open more eyes and doors.. dr. muramoto recently had a letter published in the cma.
(canadian medical association journal).
I just got in from vacation. I will read this article,( http://www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-164/issue-7/0969b.asp shortly.
Thanks but I wish I knew ahead of time.
we're pleased to tell you that the watchtower victims memorial is back online.
and hosted by ajwrb at the following address:.
Hi Lee,
Thanks, this is needed.
any u.k. elders who can provide me some inside information -- please contact me at [email protected] .
thanks.. alanf
bttt for AF
hawkaw (off to the interior campground I go!!!)
in two paragraphs in the june 15/00 wt qfr on blood, tertullian is quoted a few times in the 5th and 6th paragraphs on page 29.
( http://www.jwfiles.com/blood-wt6-15-00.htm.
i have been trying to find the exact quotes from tertullian.
I'm glad you found it useful, 'waiting".
I have another one on the go as well but it will have to wait a couple of weeks.
Take care
while much attention is given to doctrine in sites such as this, very little is noted about the watchtower societys intellectual dishonesty in its publications, especially when it comes to quotations.. oftentimes the societys writers will cite a scholar or author of some repute: "professor blank observes that blah, blah, blah.
" the reader assumes from the quotation that professor blank is in agreement with the organizations position, of course, and that the quotation chosen accurately depicts the authors thoughts.. heres the catch: the words between the quotation marks may be accurate, but the snippet may not at all faithfully represent someones actual thesis or position.
much like a newspaper ad for a movie that quotes a reviewer as saying "monumental!
As I posted else where but for those who are just following this thread, the letter to Prof. Gorman is away. Marvin and Maximus were nice enough to edit my letter. The scanned WT QFR is attached to the letter.
Again thanks and lets see if we can wake anyone up.
i have just sent an email and letter in ms word format to professor frank gorman over the qfr in the oct 15/00 wt rag.
(pages 30 and 31).. this was a 2 1/2 page detailed letter with supporting documentation.
maximus and marvin s. reviewed and commented on the letter.
i have just sent an email and letter in ms word format to professor frank gorman over the qfr in the oct 15/00 wt rag.
(pages 30 and 31).. this was a 2 1/2 page detailed letter with supporting documentation.
maximus and marvin s. reviewed and commented on the letter.
To all,
I have just sent an Email and letter in MS word format to Professor Frank Gorman over the QFR in the Oct 15/00 WT rag. (pages 30 and 31).
This was a 2 1/2 page detailed letter with supporting documentation. Maximus and Marvin S. reviewed and commented on the letter. AlanF, Maximus and Marvin assisted me with scanned copies of the Oct 15/00 rag. Thanks so much. It is such an honour.
I will also be sending this letter by snail mail to ensure the Professor has a "signed" copy from me. I have asked the professor, as one professonial scientist to another, to answer three questions.
Maximus has suggested that at this time I should not post my letter plus I don't have the time right now to edit my name, address and phone number from the letter. I am also going on holidays shortly so I just gotta get away.
I have Emailed my letter to Maximus. Thus, while I am away I will humbly ask him to edit my letter so my name etc. are not revealed and post what he thinks are the relevant sections.
Thanks for all of your support and maybe we just might get someone's attention.
in two paragraphs in the june 15/00 wt qfr on blood, tertullian is quoted a few times in the 5th and 6th paragraphs on page 29.
( http://www.jwfiles.com/blood-wt6-15-00.htm.
i have been trying to find the exact quotes from tertullian.
Marvin & Maximus,
I sent both of you Emails this morning. Marvin, you will note that I have provided my full name, address, phone number etc. so you know I am for real. Also Maximus and LeeElder should also confirm me incase you are worried.
I am easy either way - either you or Max can send me the stuff and I will go from there. I am going on holidays shortly so I will have to get this done pronto.
Thanks for all of your help Marvin and you too Max.
while much attention is given to doctrine in sites such as this, very little is noted about the watchtower societys intellectual dishonesty in its publications, especially when it comes to quotations.. oftentimes the societys writers will cite a scholar or author of some repute: "professor blank observes that blah, blah, blah.
" the reader assumes from the quotation that professor blank is in agreement with the organizations position, of course, and that the quotation chosen accurately depicts the authors thoughts.. heres the catch: the words between the quotation marks may be accurate, but the snippet may not at all faithfully represent someones actual thesis or position.
much like a newspaper ad for a movie that quotes a reviewer as saying "monumental!
Yes, I will be Emailing him too
I would like to prove to him that the WTS actually printed what they did. Thus, I need a scanned copy of the WT 10/01/2001 QFR and cover page.
I don't subscribe to the WT rags so if any of you can help me it would be great.
Thanks in advance
in two paragraphs in the june 15/00 wt qfr on blood, tertullian is quoted a few times in the 5th and 6th paragraphs on page 29.
( http://www.jwfiles.com/blood-wt6-15-00.htm.
i have been trying to find the exact quotes from tertullian.
Hi Jerry,
The material is in the public domain. I have provided all internet urls in this post for you to look at.
You can also go to the library if you want.
Is it common? Well it all depends where you live and how you investigate things.