I am confused, you were an elder and didn't know what the proceedure for handling a DA person was? How long were you a witness before you were appointed as an elder?
JoinedPosts by Mightyone
DA on Sunday, Announced on Tuesday
by passwordprotected inas you may be aware, my wife and i dad ourselves on sunday afternoon.
it was announced to our old congregation last night (tuesday).
it will apparently be announced to their sister congregation tomorrow (thursday).. .
Sask. JW church failed to report sexual abuse: Victims
by Tatiana ini don't know if this has been posted yet, but i just read this.
edited for link... http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=c9d1bb57-3db6-4c5d-81d1-6f70fd9f1b4d sask.
church failed to report sexual abuse: victims .
I agree, however, I disagree also. I have heard many announcements at D.C. and C.A. that their are those with bad intentions in our midst and we should keep on guard. That said, their are still hundreds of little ones wandering around the assemble sites unattended. The attendants are encouraged to "help" young ones find their parents..Again, where is the parental supervision?
Sask. JW church failed to report sexual abuse: Victims
by Tatiana ini don't know if this has been posted yet, but i just read this.
edited for link... http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=c9d1bb57-3db6-4c5d-81d1-6f70fd9f1b4d sask.
church failed to report sexual abuse: victims .
It's not "the cults" fault that a persons parents are a-holes....I would remove body parts from anybody that mishandled my children...But long before that became an issue I would, and do, monitor who my children spend time with...That is just good parenting. This is just another way to transfer someonelses shortcomings!
Sask. JW church failed to report sexual abuse: Victims
by Tatiana ini don't know if this has been posted yet, but i just read this.
edited for link... http://www.canada.com/topics/news/national/story.html?id=c9d1bb57-3db6-4c5d-81d1-6f70fd9f1b4d sask.
church failed to report sexual abuse: victims .
Their father and their abuser later became "dear friends, and would go for coffee daily," a situation which continues to this day, she added.
I have a real problem with statement like these. If the parents of this/these girls aren't taking steps to protect them, how is it that JW organization is supposed to handle these problems better? I absolutely feel bad for any victim of abuse, but I feel that parents need to look after their own children first.
I am scared for my life. Problems with punks.
by SnakesInTheTower inso i have been having problems with the renters that moved in next door.
the last 3 months have been a living hell.
i have an ongoing complaint with the slumlord that owns the property and the city is taking him to court for derelict vehicles next week (which i anonymously complained about, but i am sure i am being blamed for).
OOMPA----Have you seen the price of Kero lately...A tazer is definately cheaper and no criminal charges as long as he is in your area, on your property...Additionally, Snakes, your landlord is partially responsible to see to your safety. I would push for the fence.
I am scared for my life. Problems with punks.
by SnakesInTheTower inso i have been having problems with the renters that moved in next door.
the last 3 months have been a living hell.
i have an ongoing complaint with the slumlord that owns the property and the city is taking him to court for derelict vehicles next week (which i anonymously complained about, but i am sure i am being blamed for).
How about a tazer. 400,000 volts will stop him dead, a few plastic thick zip ties and you will have him neutralized even at close range. Next time he backs you against the car or "gets in your face" a tazer to the pe&ker will put him on the ground. Once he is down, zip tie him (keep tazer handy in case he comes to) and call the cops--don't lay a hand on him, he threatened you and he is on your property, he goes away. The only problem is if he is really into drugs, he sends others after you. You can survey the situation to know how connected he is.
This is truly unbelievable - read / watch the video - does it work?
by UnConfused inhttp://www.water4gaskit.org/ .
let me know what you think
Actually, this technology is not new. It has been around for many years. A few have been successful at making it effective, however, many would find it extremely cumbersome and more of a pain than the minor benifits you might realize. The instructions that you would purchase start at around $50. However, the raw materials usually can only be purchased in bulk and from a few limited suppliers. Cost are around $1200. to start. The everyday person might not want to be bothered with all the adjustments, mixtures and constant monitoring that is required to keep it running efficiently. Those mechanically inclined and with a strong automotive background might find this to be and interesting hobby.
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
You figured all of this out and yet you still wanted to waste that sisters time. Yes, I said waste. You were a witness, you know what she would have to say and yet you still want to waste her time with your trivial ramblings.
Pope Apologizes Again For "Evils" Of Child Abuse
by Justitia Themis inhttp://www.cnn.com/2008/world/asiapcf/07/18/pope.australia.sorry/index.html.
cnn) -- pope benedict xvi on saturday offered his strongest public statement yet on sex abuse against minors by roman catholic priests, apologizing to victims and calling the abuse "evil.".
pope benedict xvi apologized for the "pain" that sexually abusive clergy has caused.. more photos the apology came during a mass in sydney, australia, and expands on comments the pope made during an april visit to the united states, during which he publicly acknowledged the pain the church's sex abuse scandal has caused and met privately with abuse victims.. "indeed, i am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering the victims have endured and i assure them as their pastor that i too share in their suffering," he said saturday at sydney's st. mary's cathedral.. the comments came on the pope's third day of public appearances in australia, where he is attending world youth day.
It kinda put the JW child abuse problem into perspective and helped me to move on from expecting a greater resolution (within the wts) anytime soon.
The thing is, there is no solution outside of reading hearts and minds, which none of us can do.
There will be molestors, they will lie. On occasion, however, there will also be individuals with a grudge that will place a false claim of molestation. Molestors should have the same treatment dished to them that they inflict on their innocent victims. But, I do get tired of this topic, nobody has offered any solution. Do we take EVERY claim of molestation seriously and God help the poor soul that is falsely accused? How do we stop stepdad from touching his teenage stepdaughter/son..Do we hold parents responsible? What about the wife that ignores her filthy husband and what he is doing to the kids because somehow this speaks against her womanhood?
My heart aches for any child that has their innocence robbed from them. But how do we stop it? The WTBS has some good safegaurds in place for the person accused falsely as well as those victims. I have heard some say that it is better to take a knee-jerk reaction and look into every case for the good of the child. What about the stepdad that works hard for his family and has a couple of resentful kids that don't want a step parent. They make an accusation and his life is over. We know how society in general views even those accused of molestation. What did that man do to deserve loosing his job, friends, standing in his church?
Alot of the molestation cases I read on silent lambs and other sites are just that, parent/ stepparent offenders. How do you stop that from taking place in someones home? I have also read of people allowing their adolescent daughter spend days out in service with a middle aged brother. WTF, the parents of that little girl should lose their parental rights. No parent in their right mind would allow their child to spend untold hours with someone, especially if they do not have children of their own...
Did anyone attend july 4-6?