Thank you so much Jeremy!
In addition to all the harm these young people endure, they learn at a very young age to tune out. Anyone raised with those 5 meetings/week are experts at tuning anything and everything out.
i have been giving a lot of thought to the young people who are leaving the watchtower organization in recent years.
last night, i was reading the thread posted by jwfacts a while back in which he provided some statistics and graphs showing the rapidly declining growth in the watchtower.
one factor that was discussed at length was the high number of young people who do not stay in the organization.
Thank you so much Jeremy!
In addition to all the harm these young people endure, they learn at a very young age to tune out. Anyone raised with those 5 meetings/week are experts at tuning anything and everything out.
apologies if this has already been discussed, but saw this on the fb jehovahs witnesses, new, library, history page and wondered if anyone knew anything about it or has any idea what it could be about.
date: august 17, 2011 5:38:59 pm cdt.
to: the librarian <[email protected]>.
My 80+ parents with four bad hips and two bad hearts between them will be so thrilled to be invited. Just another reason for them to believe "We are just a whisper away from the nu system" and "The GB are as sharp as a two edged sword always lovingly providing us with spiritual food"
My father will sit all day (and shake from his recent stroke) and get teary eyed at all the applauding. They will come home and be horribly depressed because they raised five children that have no appreciation for this "BEAUTIFUL" organization.
apologies if this has already been discussed, but saw this on the fb jehovahs witnesses, new, library, history page and wondered if anyone knew anything about it or has any idea what it could be about.
date: august 17, 2011 5:38:59 pm cdt.
to: the librarian <[email protected]>.
AK JEFF... Four or five hours of Lett and the other GB member , one talk after another. Finally in the last few minutes we thought they would now release the 'nu light' we were expecting. NOTHING! Song and Prayer, and then a long drive home wondering just what the hell happened.
PUNK ...Some innane cobblers about the growth in Abung Bunga land?
OMG, you guys are too funny!
mrs punk was not a happy bunny when i announced i was leaving the wtb$ as it was all a big farce.. she has been quite rude to me, she walked out one weekend and came back 2 days later from staying with a relative.
she told me about all the negative reasons i left (attributing the 'evil' to me and none to the holy 7 headed beast the gb).
she has told the teenage kids they are not to listen to me.. she refuses to talk bible and gives me the 'talk to the hand sign' on the basis she refuses to listen to my 'spiritual pornography' (now there's an appealing thought!!).
Great thread Punk! So sorry you are going through this. You have such a fantastic sense of humor; it is such a shame that your wife does not appreciate this.
There are so many miserable marriages in the cong. So many have absolutely nothing in common other than the religion. I only married my husband because he was a regular pioneer as I was. I figured two people serving Jehovah full time would most definately be happy and blessed. This illusion came to a halting crash around day 3 of the marriage.
what is the claim of the watchtower society as to the source of their authority to create public messages of dire warning?.
mouthpiece of god.. .
anointed remnant (faithful and discreet slave).
Thank you Terry! I always love reading your posts.
simple question: pastor russell must have accomplished as least on practical thing in his life.
divine plan of the ages chart?
They helped me on my path to atheism
beware of the logical fallacy in the first sentence, not to mention all the loaded language.. .
wt 2011-11-15. .
11 vigilant christians refrain from using the world to the full with regard to higher education.. many people in this world consider higher education an indispensable stepping-stone to prestige and an affluent.
I think they should get rid of all the people at Bethel that have a college education and only have doctors and lawyers that have been self taught through the Awake.
today was my third day of school, first two days was just meeting teachers, going over class schedules and syllabus, and telling us how to do and find our homework.
now the real fun begins.
i already have alot of homework, and i'm scheduling time into my busy schedule to get it done, it's not too bad....yet.
So happy for you Jonathan!!!!!
..when you got baptised, and when you discovered the truth about the truth?.
me: 20 and 27.
baptized at 16
mentally left at 26
physically left at 41
disfellowshipped at 43
how do you respond when you walk past a jw or bump into a close jw friend who broke of contact with you?.
i remember when one brother was disfellowshipped, he himself honoured the arrangement and walked past the brothers with his eyes fixed to the floor.. im going to be disfellowshipped in 8 days, so i just thought id ask you all.. personaly, im going to be kind and cheery as i always tried to be with people.. timmy xxx.
I have been DF'ed for 3 years now. I still talk to any JW I see. Usually this is not a problem. I was at my parent's house a couple of weeks ago and one of their elder friends stopped by. We shared a drink and some laughs. If no one sees them then they are usually okay with it. I went to the Memorial this year (thanks to my father giving me his cc to buy a new dress - a real guilt trip). I circulated, visiting with anyone I once knew. They probably thought I was in good standing. I am a social person - NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL ME I CANNOT TALK TO WHOMEVER I SO DESIRE.