This is too funny!
This poor JW is going to be called to the woodshed (he probably missed the Sunday meeting too)
i just saw this on the morning tv news - and did not get to hear enough of it to make sense:.
but, they were saying something about a patron sneaking a taser into the sunday game and using it on another fan.. they also said that one of the guys (i assumed the victim) was "a devout jehovah's witness who does not believe in saluting the flag or standing for the national anthem".. anybody know what happened here?.
This is too funny!
This poor JW is going to be called to the woodshed (he probably missed the Sunday meeting too)
Thanks Justitia! Just bought it
it's clear that virtually everyone on here is infuriated by wt teachings/doctrines/practices, but i would really like to know what is of most concern to people who frequent this forum.. here is my top 5, number 1 being the most significant/infuriating:.
the disfellowshipping practice - expanded to include family members (but not parents) who are old enough to leave home.
wrecks families and creates abject fear once people find out the truth about the organization.the blood issue - another unmerciful teaching, but one that costs lives.unquestioned authority of governing body - a handful of men make life-altering decisions as representatives of a larger group of people who they never see or speak to, and yet they demand unquestioning obedience on pain of being disfellowshipped.failed prophecy - the fulfilment of huge swathes of bible prophecy, including revelation, has been attributed to the events of the early 20th century, and the actions of a small group of men.two-tier christianity - faithful and discreet slave are anointed who go to heaven to whom ransom provisions apply directly, whereas remainder, or "great crowd" stay on earth and form a sub-class, only access benefits of ransom through fds.i realise that many of these issues are inter-related, but that's roughly how i would put them.
DarioKehl...No talking about what you want to be when you grow up
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
Menstruating women and everything they touch are unclean. The only cure for this
uncleanness was for the priest to kill a couple of pigeons. (Lev 15:19-30)
it's clear that virtually everyone on here is infuriated by wt teachings/doctrines/practices, but i would really like to know what is of most concern to people who frequent this forum.. here is my top 5, number 1 being the most significant/infuriating:.
the disfellowshipping practice - expanded to include family members (but not parents) who are old enough to leave home.
wrecks families and creates abject fear once people find out the truth about the organization.the blood issue - another unmerciful teaching, but one that costs lives.unquestioned authority of governing body - a handful of men make life-altering decisions as representatives of a larger group of people who they never see or speak to, and yet they demand unquestioning obedience on pain of being disfellowshipped.failed prophecy - the fulfilment of huge swathes of bible prophecy, including revelation, has been attributed to the events of the early 20th century, and the actions of a small group of men.two-tier christianity - faithful and discreet slave are anointed who go to heaven to whom ransom provisions apply directly, whereas remainder, or "great crowd" stay on earth and form a sub-class, only access benefits of ransom through fds.i realise that many of these issues are inter-related, but that's roughly how i would put them.
1. No way to exit in a dignified way
2. Can only read WT literature
3. Preaching work and keeping track of time spent in it.
4. Child baptism
5. Blood doctine
( I actually have about 732 more)
hello friends,.
sunday, 4 september 2011 will go down as an important day in my spiritual journey.
i had an extraordinary experience today that i feel compelled to share with all of you.
Quendi, So sorry I missed this post until day. Hugs and kisses to you my dear, dear friend. I just simply love and adore you.
the condensed history set, to the music of the william tell overture.... some guy in the mid to late 19th century named c t russell felt spiritually disenchanted.
didn't believe in hell and other traditional christian beliefs that he grew up around.
so he read a lot, and got exposed to a lot of ideas.
Loved reading this - I am printing this and saving it.
Was Rutherford really a lawyer? I thought he was just a clerk in a law office and got to play judge one day when the real judge did not show up.
dad was a great man, great, despite the religion.
he was powerful, tall and intelligent, yet humble and kind.
he was an introvert, and a circuit overseer.
Dear Paul,
In the old family book, a psychiatrist was quoted as saying The greatest gift a father can give his children is to love and adore their mother. It sounds like you had a beautiful father.
(11) what is the wts view on oral sex?.
what questions would you like answered?.
From question 6 on abortion.....What, though, if an emergency situation at the time of
childbirth forces a couple to choose between letting the
mother live and the baby die or vice versa? In that case, the
couplewould have to decidewhich life to try to save.
Is this new? I never remember this being a decision the couple could make.
i have seldom given money to beggars.
i have often thought that many are people who just do not want to work.
however, i am starting to wonder if i ought to: and how much to give?.
Hey ballistic...That is Fisherman's Wharf