I feel so sorry for my aged die hard parents. They continue to associate with their DF'ed children, however I know the guilt is overwhelming. My parents WT is in the afternoon, so I planned well in advance to have my mother come over to my place in the morning and can peaches with me and my sister. She was having the time of her life, doing something she enjoys in the company of her 2 daughters. I figured it would be harder for her to buy into the study lesson after having such a wonderful morning.
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Today's Watchtower Lesson Really Bothered Me...
by dontplaceliterature ini was a hair away from telling my wife i never wanted to go to the kingdom hall again after today's watchtower.
the conductor mentioned something along the lines of..."if you think having to shun your disfellowshipped children is bad...you should read up on the israelites.
when one of their children was disobedient to the law, they had to take the before the judges so that they could be stoned to death...and guess who's job it was throw the first stone?".
Today's Watchtower Lesson Really Bothered Me...
by dontplaceliterature ini was a hair away from telling my wife i never wanted to go to the kingdom hall again after today's watchtower.
the conductor mentioned something along the lines of..."if you think having to shun your disfellowshipped children is bad...you should read up on the israelites.
when one of their children was disobedient to the law, they had to take the before the judges so that they could be stoned to death...and guess who's job it was throw the first stone?".
Anony Mous....
even laughter about the picture "guess who's not helping him with his luggage"
Whoever laughed and made that comment is one SICK F***
A Beautiful Essay
by Magwitch ini was going to post this yesterday and then hesitated.
i read johnathan's essay (so lovely) and thought this one would very much be enjoyed also.
my daughter, alexa, 20 years old (3rd year at cu) is getting ready to circle the world in a semester at sea.
Thank you N. drew and Dagney
A Beautiful Essay
by Magwitch ini was going to post this yesterday and then hesitated.
i read johnathan's essay (so lovely) and thought this one would very much be enjoyed also.
my daughter, alexa, 20 years old (3rd year at cu) is getting ready to circle the world in a semester at sea.
00DAD, Diest, leavingwt - glad you enjoyed reading this.
Diest - when she leaves I may be even more needier of your friendship
A Beautiful Essay
by Magwitch ini was going to post this yesterday and then hesitated.
i read johnathan's essay (so lovely) and thought this one would very much be enjoyed also.
my daughter, alexa, 20 years old (3rd year at cu) is getting ready to circle the world in a semester at sea.
I was going to post this yesterday and then hesitated. I read Johnathan's essay (so lovely) and thought this one would very much be enjoyed also
My daughter, Alexa, 20 years old (3rd year at CU) is getting ready to circle the world in a Semester at Sea. She has had to write many essays for the numerous applications. This one that she wrote last week is my favorite...
The majority of my life has been devoted to education – both in my fight for my own education, and later on my desire to help others is situations similar to what I went through. My journey has embodied every aspect of academic excellence, integrity, intercultural exchange, and global understanding.
Halfway through high school my world came crashing down around me. Until that point I’d lived a sheltered existence, enjoying a peaceful and supportive upbringing with a strong education in the Arts. Although my family never had a lot of money, they managed to make things work, and I never had to deal with the stress of their financial strains. Until it all came to an end seemingly overnight. There were so many aspects to the end of that age of innocence that I hardly even know where to begin. You see, my father employed radical religious beliefs and once my sister and I started nearing adolescence, he and his religious leaders started putting on the pressure for my sister and I to accept God as our savior and devote the rest of our lives to his service. Any form of schooling was seen, from that point forward, as a distraction from God. My mother, fearing for our education, left him, risking poverty over the medieval doom that would have befallen us otherwise. For a year we tried to get our bearings, my mother went out and found a job, and my sister and I applied ourselves to school full-heartedly, seeing as our mother had risked so much for something most kids take for granted. The summer after those events, my dear uncle died, a blow that left us completely shattered. My mother moved us in with her brother to be closer to family. I was uprooted, forced to transfer schools and leave behind the few friends I had, with not even a home to call my own. The complete upheaval in my life left me feeling completely suffocated. I once again reminded myself of what so much sacrifice was for, and focused all of my efforts on my education. I had always had a passion for travel and I began seeking out exchange student programs for high school students, realizing the educational value in the opportunity to live in another country. As an added bonus, the prospect of leaing behind everything that had happened and living in someone else’s shoes for a while was an extremely welcoming prospect. For an entire year all I did was plan and apply. Thanks to my stellar academic record I received a scholarship to go live with a host family in Japan. While at the time I was essentially running away, the experience ended up being so much more than that. For the first time in my life my academic excellence and integrity to achieve something I truly believed in really paid off and rewarded me with the profound learning experiences that only travel can provide. Living in Japan gave me insights into my own life that I will value forever. I attended an all-girls catholic school whilst abroad and participated in Japanese customs that are so strikingly different from our own. I was amazed by the sense of community and family. Even little things like cleaning our entire school after classes ended (students are expected to take care of their schools rather than employing janitors) made me appreciate the joy and fulfillment of giving back to others. The lessons I learned could fill a book, but that's the beauty of traveling, your mind is opened in ways that no textbook could ever replicate.
Since my return, exactly three years ago now, I have devoted much of my time to furthering my own education and helping others to do the same. There are so many people in our American culture who take education for granted. They are forced through high school as a necessity and then enrolled in college by parents who can afford the best of everything for their kids. For others it is not so easy, whether because of financial strains, or, as could have so easily been my case, cultish religious beliefs. I am so grateful for everything my mother did to ensure I could attend college. Once enrolled, I accepted a role as an academic mentor for my residence hall, holding study sessions for fellow students and tutoring in areas where I could help out. While abroad I hope to spend time in local schools, helping in any way I can to make education possible in under-privileged nations.
My first English Essay for college, I wrote about my experience as a JW.
by JonathanH inso i am in my first semester of college, and i'm really enjoying it.
i am already tired since i work full time in addition to going to school full time, but i will get over that hump eventually.
anyway in my english 101 class our first essay due was to be a personal narrative, 4 pages(ish), in mla format using microsoft word.
Beautiful Jonathan!
I was just getting ready to post an essay by one of my daughters when I saw this.
So why
by bushido8000 init has become very apparent to me very quickly that this forum is dominated by ex-jws.
i have many questions and topics to present but i first want to know who i am presenting these questions and topics to so i have 2 questions that i would like as many of yall to answer as possible.. .
question 1: did you leave the organization out of the blue or were you first disfellowshipped?.
I loved the org with my heart and soul. I believed it was God’s only organization. I started regular pioneering in my 11 th year of HS.
I married a regular pioneer/elder at the age of 20 – we pioneered 10 years together. He was a complete male chauvinist. I was to be seen and not heard. He did not even think woman should answer at the KH (or give talks). I was not allowed to associate with my df’ed siblings and I was not allowed to associate with my super spiritual parents (because they did not cut off my df’ed siblings). I was a sweet little box on a shelf.
Ten years into the marriage I stopped pioneering and going to meetings during the week – he never noticed (way too busy with spiritual things). There just was no way this could possibly be THE TRUTH. This man was on the stage all the time, yet had no clue what was happening with his daughters and wife. It was all such a sham. It was as if we did not exist.
I stayed another 10 years (until I was 40) and then walked away with my daughters. I wanted nothing to ever do with that cult again. The elders would call in hopes of encouraging me. About one year later I fell in love and wrote to the BOE that my ex had grounds to remarry. Another year went by and they announced I was df’ed (did not go to jc)
I did not leave out of the blue, it took 2 years of being totally out of the cult for them to decide that I should be df’ed. I heard that the committee changed brothers 3 times throughout the 2 years. The committee that ended up df’ing had two brothers on it that were under 30.
I do not know why they felt the need to df me. I lived 30 miles away and had not had any contact with a JW for more than 2 years.
Any Suggestions For An Out of Control Teen Into Sex, Drugs & Alcohol?
by minimus ini know of a 15 year old boy who is sliding deeper into substance abuse and everyone around him seems powerless to stop him from his self destructive behavior.
his parents are divorced, his father barely sees his son, his mother supports her 2 kids in the best way that she can but cannot control her son at all.
he smokes weed every day, been in trouble regularly with the law, is now selling prescription meds that he steals from family members---basically, he's either going to be dead or in jail if he doesn't get serious help.. any suggestions??
This kid needs to be in lockdown TODAY! What is the mother waiting for? There are wonderful facilities that his mother can put him in. My girls have it in writing, that the minute I susupect substance abuse, they will be on their way to 28 days of lockdown. There is not time to wait!!
I really want to go JW but..
by fortbethel ini've studied with like 30 diff denominations.
i really feel jw is best for me.
i think it's the 144,000 part & the once a year get together when they pass around the sacrament that bothers me most.
The ... strong family bonding ect. this EPIC rage. It's sad.
Let me tell you about my strong family bonding. My ex-husband of 20 years served as an elder our entire marriage. He lived to serve the congregation 24/7. He never, ever had a minute for me or our two daughters. He rarely did any secular work because he only wanted to be helping the people at our kingdom hall. He not only was preparing and giving parts at meeting and circuit assemblies round the clock, but he also loved to help these people paint their houses, fix their cars, take them to run errands etc. etc. On our 20 th wedding anniversary I sat at the KH listening to my husband give the Memorial talk. It would have been nice to have gotten a card, a flower anything – but he did not even know it was our anniversary. I left him and took our two daughters. He has had nothing to do with our girls since our divorce in 2006. He is way too busy pioneering with his new wife. Our girls are now 19 and 20 years old. These beautiful young ladies never had a father. For these two fatherless girls, the pain is violently deep. EPIC rage is an understatement.
Did YOU Change In Your Personality After You Left The Organization?
by minimus inwe knock a lot of things about the witnesses.
i wonder if we're really all that much different in our personalities as exjws.. .
Not much,
just that I can speak up now when the male species acts like an ass in my presence.