I think those of us that were one of many siblings really did get the crap beat out of us a lot. I have posted about this before, but one of the most horrific beatings I ever received was in the mid 70's. I was in about the 4th grade and my family had just purchased our first cassette tape recorder (Most likely for the use at assemblies). Anyway, one of my brothers dared me to say the pledge of allegience into it. When I did, my brother went running to my parents with the recording. I was beat close to unconscious - but, I am sure my parents felt Jehovah's blessing on that beating.
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
BEAT that Child!
by Farkel inthis is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
marrying younger spouses
by ssn587 inmy wife passed away 2 years ago we had been married over 30 years, i have since remarried and my new wife is younger than 3 of my children from my first marriage.
i just wondering if there are any more like me out there.
i stay in excellent shape for my age, work out almost daily eat good and have absolutely no medical problems or at least none i can do anything about, bad knees, but my vitals are excellent, and i am known as the teenage because of them when i have my yearly medical checkup.. so was wondering if there are others out there like me, and what some may think about it, just for the record i am extremely happy once again, and we have a 18 month boy who delights me, have a whole new outlook on fatherhood and child raising.
I have to say I am somewhat repulsed by large age gaps. My father-in-law (when widowed) married someone half his age (70-35). She needed the financial security and he was flattered by all the young sisters in the hall fighting over him. His two children were the same age as this woman. His children were horrified to say the least. She fed him 3 fast-food meals a day for 2 years; so while she put on 50 pounds he developed cancer and was gone within the 2 year wedding mark. She was all too happy to inherit quite a nice fortune. He did not know he was supposed to update his will after marriage. He thought that his original will leaving everything to his 2 children would stand. In Colorado law it does not. On a different note....I have 2 daughters in the their 20's - if a 50 year old man showed interest in them - GOD HELP THAT MAN! That is my 2 cents. I see I am in the minority.....
NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!
by Newly Enlightened inbrother of the hawk, newly enlightened & gojira, recorded an elder's meeting on 5/7/03.
both does a great job of defending me and making the elders look foolish!.
thank you raypublisher/jj and jwstruggle for the awesome job you did on it.. follow up story was not recorded but we will post it here hopefully over the weekend.. enjoy, it's pretty hilarious how they try to control us and come after me on a work of fiction!.
Another "Whirlpool of Stupid"
I especially enjoyed when the one elder stated that he was especially offended with the scene of the man and woman who had their legs and arms tangled together (even though their clothes were on)
Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!
by time2keepmoving inmy son grew up with one of the young brothers in the kingdom and after graduation both him and my son left the kh.
the young man who left the hall fell into the wrong crowd and i mean a really dangerous crowd and as a result of him getting involved in illegal activity he was murdered.
i really feel for this young man, because he was a decent kid.
Keynumber.....Please start a new thread with your story. So many of us would love to hear more about you!
Mouthy Grace is not well. Please send love.
by return of parakeet inin another thread, mouthy said she was "not well" and mentioned "kicking the bucket.
i believe she needs some encouragement and well wishes.. mouthy, you don't need to respond to this thread if you don't feel up to it.
just consider it an exceptionally long get-well card..
Hugs and Kisses from Magwitch
I think her pen is a bit flashy and materialistic. It certainly could detract a householder's attention from "the message."
Kidnaper of 3 Cleveland women - his mom a JW
by Gayle inhttp://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/castro-brothers-spend-night-jail-article-1.1338131#ixzz2sjzrxozd.
When this story broke I had a very strong suspicion that there would be a JW connection.
MIL letter to my wife
by AggieNostic inbackground: my wife and i are inactive, we stopped attending in 2005. raised as jws, were pioneers, i was elder etc... .
our kids are in college, also inactive but are baptised.
my wife went back to college, getting her degree this month at age 48!
Simply..."Emotional Blackmail"
Disgusted with JW Funeral Today!
by time2keepmoving inmy son grew up with one of the young brothers in the kingdom and after graduation both him and my son left the kh.
the young man who left the hall fell into the wrong crowd and i mean a really dangerous crowd and as a result of him getting involved in illegal activity he was murdered.
i really feel for this young man, because he was a decent kid.
Return of Parakeet...Father - 10 minutes.
I would say that is very good for a witness funeral. Usually it is 5 minutes of how the person loved Jehovah, went to all the meeting, was out in field service regularly and maybe a mention of their birthdate and then the speaker is off and running with 40 minutes of the Infomercial.
Why do JWs get married at a young age?
by XPeterX inages like 20-25 or younger.i mean damn,a 21 year old guy in my congo got baptised a couple weeks back and now his in a relationship with a jw gal and their getting married soon.any thoughts?.
I got married at 20. It had nothing to do with sex (especially considering the sexual appeal of the eligible bachelors in my hall). It had everything to do with my parents. They forbid me from moving out of the house unless it was as the wife of a spiritual brother. All of my older siblings were married and out of the house and I had to get out too.