No I don't remember the talk or the date. I do remember being really self conscious about being in a swim suit in front of so many people, especially the single male population. I was 16 and so skinny and no boobs. How would I ever land a spiritual husband? :)
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
Do you remember your Baptism Talk?
by bildad indo you remember anything from your baptism talk or the brother who gave it?.
Remarkably stupid point in this week's Jeremiah book study - Jehovah's loving kindness
by sir82 inthe whole jeremiah book is an abomination, but a point in this week's study exceeded even its usual standards of inanity.. from page 144, paragraph 10:.
in our day, god continues to show loving-kindness in ways that directly benefit his worshippers.
consider the matter of prayer.
he pays special attention when his dedicated servants pray to him
So how is it that they are getting SPECIAL ATTENTION if years are going by and there is no answer to their prayers? I seem to be missing what that SPECIAL something is...
Zealous Witnesses who never had children and regret it now.
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini had two close friends in the org.
one is in her early thirties and got married last year and the other one is single and in her late twenties.
after reading coc, i couldn't help but feel sad at how ray and his wife felt regret at putting the religion first and not having any children.
My husband and I pioneered for ten years. He desperately wanted to become a circuit overseer. He never, ever wanted to be burdened with children. I was just the lowly woman that was there to serve the man in what he wanted. When I got pregnant he was beside himself with grief. He even thought that maybe I could go away for a few months and then secretly put the child up for adoption (and no one would ever find out). I had two daughters back to back. My ex never gave up the dream of being a JW super star. When I left him and took full custody of the girls, he never fought it. His only interest has only been his position as a JW.
How does TTATT affect your marriage??
by Crazyguy injust wondering of those of you that have left or are fading and have married ones still in, how is it going, is there hope or is the marriage doomed?
wondering what are the percentages.
i'm fading fast but wife is zealous as ever and we don't talk spiritual things at all anymore.
LITS...We have so much in common. If I could add up all the time I waited for an elder's meeting to end, it would probably be many, many months of my life. Dave wanted to do anything and everything for anybody in the cong. Besides the endless hours preparing talks, giving parts, shepherding, endless phone calls, elder meetings, committee meetings, brown nosing, visiting the sick, he also loved to paint their homes, clean their carpets, fix their cars, and any electrical or plumbing needs anyone had - it never F***ing ended!!!!! He was everyone's night in shining armor. It ruined our marriage long before I learned the TTATT. The only positive is that he never had a minute for his daughters either, so when I left they were tied to my hip. They are in their 20's now and have no relationship at all with their father - they just remember him as someone who preferred the religious stage over them.
Sorry to do a bit of highjacking here :)
How does TTATT affect your marriage??
by Crazyguy injust wondering of those of you that have left or are fading and have married ones still in, how is it going, is there hope or is the marriage doomed?
wondering what are the percentages.
i'm fading fast but wife is zealous as ever and we don't talk spiritual things at all anymore.
I did not stick around to find out ...walked out of the KH 7 years ago and straight into a courthouse to file for divorce. Two of the absolute wisest things I have ever done!!!!
Former Longtime Elder - Reflections
by James Jackson inthe meetings are getting more boring to me.
some of the elders during their parts just talk and talk and talk about uninteresting things.
boring, boring.
The quality level of elders seems to be at an all time low. Just an example...
My father (a born-in) is in his mid-80's is still serving as an elder. Actively giving talks and serving on committee meetings.
- He had a stroke a few years ago and still shakes like a leaf.
- He had quadruple by-pass surgery 2 years ago and is still so skinny his pants can barely stay up
- His voice is all but gone
- He is hunched over like the very old man that he is.
- The last public talk he gave was quite embarrassing according to my sister. Misquoting things like..."The Society publishes in over one million languages." She said he sounded like a little retard (sorry I know this is P.I)
My father is EXHAUSTED and definately has one foot in the grave. Yet, the body insists he keep serving. I guess they just do not have too many replacements.
On the other end of the spectrum, I had an elder serve on my committe meeting (that I did not attend) that was 25 years old. I knew him from the time he was a little boy.
- He had a very disturbing childhood
- He had a lot of learning disabilites
- Did not graduate high school (but pioneered)
- Any joke, piece of history, book reference etc. went way, way over his head
- IQ has to be in the Forest Gump area.
I lost my pet today...
by tooktheredpill inshe was a 12 year old maltese.
the best pet in the world.
my wife and i never had kids, so she was our only daughter.
So very, very sorry. It is frightening how much we love our pets. We have five and they are the center of our world. Most of our circle of friends are animal lovers also...We have a big memorial dinner together whenever one of us has a pet cross over "The Rainbow Bridge". It does help to mourn with like minded friends.
This whole story is terribly unfortunate.
Two young men with way, way too much testosterone running through their bodies and way too little common sense. I do not beleive GZ should be another victim of America's incarceration system for the next 30 years, however I do not feel he should be able to walk free either.
I am so glad I am not one of the jurors - they have a very tough job ahead of them.
100 things I learned from watching "The Prodigal Son" DVD
by Perversion of a truth inthese are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
So this mother cooks, cleans and even does their laundry for them!! She speaks sweetly, smiles and wears pretty little dresses etc. etc.
What happens when these young men marry that pretty little pioneer sister in the hall who also never had to do any chores because she was pioneering and had a mother that did everything for her?
Manhattan Project Arrives in London
by scotinsw inlast friday and saturday i saw the new manhattan project carts in a few places in london.. one, smack back in the middle of the street outside one of the busy central london train stations is asking for trouble!
situating it in the middle of the pavement!?!
are they crazy?
literature stands can now be ordered by certain US congregations from the Society for a fixed price of $47 per cart
Really? They really can't donate a crap-cart to the congregations?