JG admits to hanging on doggedly to his precious beliefs. JG, you argued with atheists and you never got the point that atheists, unlike you, change their beliefs every time they encounter new information, new facts. Every new fact affects the whole body of known facts and therefore affects our beliefs regarding the world, the universe, reality and truth. Every day we add a little knowledge, find things to be false and shrug our shoulders and say, "oh well, I guess the world isn't flat after all."
In my experience no atheist has any emotion or attachment towards his/her beliefs. As soon as disconfirming evidence presnets itself, the atheist will chuck their former errant belief right out the window, with no hurt feelings. This is not the same as the Watchtower changing their beliefs via some revelation from god, or some need to not look stupid, this is simply saying when you are proven wrong, you will admit it openly and honestly and you will submit to the new information so long as it is reliable information -it has to check out in other words.
When someone says that they will not change their minds no matter what, like you just admitted above, that is the equivalent to saying that even when you are wrong, you will still hold onto your beliefs. At this point Truth becomes irrelevant. You are admitting (though you probably won't understand how it is that you are admitting it) that even if it became clear that there is no god, you still will believe becasue you want to believe. This is what you admitted in your post here. You actually said, "I will not surrender one shred of my beliefs." This shows that your beliefs are emotion-based, not fact based.
You even say your blood pressure goes up when you argue. Newsflash: it is an old proverb "the person most enraged by an argument is probably losing." You therfore, not only admit that truth is not as important to you as "believing that your particular beliefs are true," but also you admit defeat by how angry you are when confronted with opposing views. Belief (and probably faith too) is of higher importance to you than truth, otherwise you would always be open to opposing views and you would consider the possibility, even probability that you are wrong about most everything. It really is a matter of pride. You are just too stubborn and proud to ever be able to accept a single belief that falls outside of or contradicts your current beliefs.
Frankly, I don't know how a man can feel like a man saying what you said here. A real man will always maintain a certain amout of skepticism for his owm beliefs, because he knows that he isn't perfect and he is subject to being wrong about almost everything as far as he knows. To not be ever admitting this on a regular basis, you are putting yourself up to be a god, for humans know that they can't possibly have it all right. Error is inevitable, and sience driven people know this and they have the balls to admit it. It doesn't mean that we won't argue with you, even heatedly, (for every fact must be argued ad nauseum, right?) but we know that we are human and with the right amount of evidence or even proof, we can be convinced. If the proof is there and it checks out after serious prodding, then admitting it is as easy as pie for the atheist, because there are no emotions at stake.
Oh, and you are a racist homophobe. In other words, your objections to homosexuality are based on your fear that you actually might be gay, that's why they call it homophobia. So, don't give up the idea that you might be gay, you certainly have potential, what with your penchant for drama and all.
JoinedPosts by 83501nwahs
Taking my life back
by Junction-Guy ini have come to the crossroads where something has to give.
i no longer enjoy visiting any xjw forum.
i have to pull myself away from the negativity or else i will implode from within.
Anyone remember "Jehovahs Christian Witnesses" in Portland OR?
by NikL inback in the early 1980s i was visiting my aunt in gresham oregon, a suburb of portland.
she was worldly but being a good witness that i was i picked up the yellow pages to find the location of the local kingdom hall.
well, i found it but i also found a listing for "jehovah's christian witnesses".
The same thing happened to me when I was 15 or so in 1985 or so. My brother was just moving to Santa Maria and I was helping him move. On that weekend we thought we'd catch a meeting so I looked in the White Pages and found a listing for Jehovah's Witnesses and Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. I called the latter and a nice lady answered. I asked for the meeting times and places and she said that she was actually another church and that it was against the Watchtower. She was very nice sounding, she had a soft voice. She even said "have a nice meeting." I never heard from the group again.
Jesus Camp
by Wordly Andre indid anyone see the movie called jesus camp?
it was on bio channel last night, very creepy these poor kids are so deep in this cult like christian religion.
my wife and i were shocked at what they put these kids through, there is this one part where they are talking about how evil harry potter is and if he was alive back in jesus time he would have been put to death, then later these kids are talking about harry potter and one kid says that his mom won't let him watch it but when he stays with his dad he watches it, all the kids look at him with this "oh my god he is the devil" look, this movie is a documentary and reminds me of that movie saved.
tHE SCARIESt movie I have ever seen! Talk about cult mind control. These people are raping these kids. No other way to put it.
What should I do with all of these books?
by Confession inwhile growing up, my dad maintained a rather huge wts library.
i liked the idea of being able to pick out one of those old books from the1940s or earlier and read what they were saying back then.
well for the first time, in september of 2006 at the age of 40, i finally became a home-owner.
Other than keeping historically relevant books, here's a few ideas I have for them:
This could be an economically advantageous situation you have here. With the raise in gas prices, everything is going up these days, even toilet paper. Now, I know what you are thinking. "Wiping my butt with Watchtower pages is not going to be very pleasant." But have you tried it? I mean, have you really given it a chance? I would liken it to switching from Charmin to Scott, no worse than that surprisingly. You see, Scott toilet paper is not thick and soft, it is smooth and kind of shiny, just like Watchtower paper. You get used to it much quicker than you might think. Now, if you have a hankerin for paper that is more fluffy, look no further than your shelf of WT books. But, you might want to look at books pre-1970s. You see, the paper was thicker then and had more of a texture. My testimony here is that I actualy prefer the newer stuff, being raised a Scott man as I was. But in a pinch, no pun intended, that thick old yellowing paper does a might good job at cleaning out all those crevices. So, consider using WT toilet paper. If you do, it will all work out in the end. -
A former JW and transsexual did suicide
by Lone Ranger ina former lover, former ts and jw committed suicide view days ago.
before she did this, she want to have love and support by her jw family who cast her out.
was this the reason?
One of my students is transgender ( the school staff refers to him as gender confused). He is one of the healthiest people I know mentally speaking.
As far as suicide goes, I've been on the verge many times, directly associated with my JW situation. It hurts leaving a cult. It really, really hurts. I'll never be over it. Never. It changed me drastically. A part of me, a very large part, died, and things will never be the same again. I think it is a fair estimation to say that there is a direct correlation between JWs and suicide. -
What is the most hours you ever turned in on your F.S. report?
by gaiagirl ini once turned in 39 hours helping another to reach their pioneer goal.
fairly accurate reporting of the hours as well.
120, when it was August one year pioneering, and I hadn't made my time for the year. Tough month! I still had to work. Lot's of midnight witnessing at all the 7/11s and 24hr donut shops.
Adultery of a JW
by hurt by JW ini have a question for jw's.
i have a problem with a jw .
its been going on for a year now.
Oh, she's from Arkansas. Say no more. I thought this whole thing had the flavor of Jerry Springer. Now I know.
One Reason Why I Worship the God of the Bible
by snowbird inwhile this may be construed as a rebuttal to nvr's thread re: why i post about atheism, that is not my intent.. it is my intent, however, to show how i developed a belief in and love for the god of the bible.. my paternal grandfather, who died before i was born, was a baptist preacher, so you could say i cut my teeth on the bible.
i loved having it read to me, and once i learned how, reading it for myself.
i'm convinced that spirituality runs deep in my blood.. i've always had such a strong sense of right and wrong that injustices make me literally sick.
Of course my previous post was just my opinion, so I hope you don't take it personally. Still, I am just the messenger here. It's common sense that is knocking here and saying, "Hey you! Wake up! It's not OK to murder infants and toddlers, even if you are god. Isn't that the most vile thing a god could do? How is it that you can agree with stoning children to death, having bears come and rip and tear children to pieces just because they made fun of a stupid old man? Am I crazy to say that is just the sickest thing ever?
I mean, if god told you to rape and torture a child, would you do it? If you say yes, you are just plain sick and there is no hope for you. If yopu say no, then you are at odds with the god you worship. People create gods to resemble themselves. If you are like god and god is like you, then you are a homocidal maniac just like him. Right? Is there something I'm missing here? Someone please set me straight if I am out of line.
If more people in the first few centuries after the age of pices began, had reacted to the Bible like me, then the Bible would never have gained popularity, and thousands of wars would not have taken place and millions and millions of lives would have been spared.
The proof that people invent gods that resemble themselves is that just like the god of the Bible, people who worship the god of the Bible and claim to love him have committed the most vile and disgusting atricities in all of history. Atheists like myself have committed zero. So who is more loving, atheists or peiople who worship the god of the Bible? -
One Reason Why I Worship the God of the Bible
by snowbird inwhile this may be construed as a rebuttal to nvr's thread re: why i post about atheism, that is not my intent.. it is my intent, however, to show how i developed a belief in and love for the god of the bible.. my paternal grandfather, who died before i was born, was a baptist preacher, so you could say i cut my teeth on the bible.
i loved having it read to me, and once i learned how, reading it for myself.
i'm convinced that spirituality runs deep in my blood.. i've always had such a strong sense of right and wrong that injustices make me literally sick.
So, you love a god who is: racist, genocidal, killer of infants, angry all the time, prone to temper tantrums (like when he swept all the pieces off the table because he was losing the bet he made with Satan. I'm referring to the flood, Sodom and Gomorra, Job and a few other stories, myths and legends.)
Continuing: making rape victims marry their rapist, having children stoned to death by their own parents for being rebellious (when he designed teenagers specifically to be rebellious, which is a natural stage of development), has a weird sense of justice and forgiveness in that he must slaughter someone (his son or some beast) before he can forgive, came not to bring peace, but the sword, tortures people for all eternity for sins they make in one lifetime, invented disease, invented war and repeatedly reccommends that his people wage it even though he could easily solve problems peacefully (him being all powerful and such). Anyone else want to pick up this list where I left off?
Conclusion: anybody who loves the god of the Bible is a very sick and disgusting person, not to mention: delusional, ignorant, immoral, dangerous, confused, clueless, senseless, twisted and insane. Let me see, could I state that in even harsher terms? I'll leave it at that for now. Oh, and "capable of believing just about anything," or naive. -
How do you confront someone abusing their daughter?
by Paralipomenon inseeing how child abuse has affected many people here, i am hoping for some advice.
we have friends of our family that have it on good authority that a father is abusing his four year old daughter.
he's always seemed rather creepy to me, which is a bit of the problem.
You do not confront the suspect, you call Child Protective Services immediately, and let them handle it. If you feel the child is in immediate damger, you call the police right away. We have learned these lessons from JWs not reporting, so people on this board should really be straight on this.