Vinny I am a health care provider (I am a Lithotripsy Specialist) Any gall stones would have to pass through the common bile duct, It's internal diameter is only 4mm to 11 mm. (The normal diameter is considered to be around 6mm over 8mm is considered dilated) the size stone you are describing passing would be impossible to get out of the liver, through the gall bladder, and past the common bile duct. What you are describing is most likely bile-stained "soaps" produced by partial saponification (soap formation) of the oil. It is considered that any stone over 5mm in size has a chance of getting lodged in the common Bile duct or in the Sphincter of Oddi.
I am not trying to argue with you Vinny, just trying to present the facts.
Here is a more scholarly look at the anatomy and Physiology of the biliary system if you are interested.