I can remember the belt (razor strap actually) Welts where common. When I did tell the elders about what I was experiencing I got some of the lamest excuses. I.e. "It is a hard situation, your mother is from Portugal, and they discipline differently." I had a real hard time reconciling myself regarding their attitude when I was young. It just did not make sense. I used to wonder if it was ok in other countries for Jehovah’s witnesses to torture their children? To be honest one brother (not an elder) tried to talk to my mom about what he was observing, to no avail. One elder met with my mom in hopes of her easing up on how strict she was. I guess he did not handle it well. The situation got worse. She was upset that I aired our family’s dirty laundry to the elders. (she screamed and yelled and beat me to within an inch of my life) This was ironic since the she ran to the elders with anything I did that she was not in agreement with. (choice of friends, school field trips, how I studied etc.) My father died when I was 12 years of age so I had no one else to turn to, and a deep sense of responsibility towards looking after my family. I have a younger sibling as well as my mom. My halve brothers and sisters from my Fathers first marriage (before he became a JW) at one time wanted to rescue me. My mother would not hear of it. My brother and sister where not witnesses.
Like I commented on before I am now in the position of caring for her in her old age. It is so hard to truly forgive. I am trying to be the better person and demonstrate the unconditional love that I found lacking from my mother and the JWs in general. Am I deluding myself? How do I cope with the feelings I have? I have looked into assistance in caring for her. She continues to lay a guilt trip on me as far as why I do not visit her more often or do more for her. I call about every 3 to 4 days. I also live several states away from her so traveling to visit is difficult.
Please forgive my ramblings; I hope I am making sense.