I have had enough of you twisting of what I said and making nonsensical arguments and claims Vinny.
1 I never said that stones are found are found through out the body. What I said was:" In some cases, gallstones can block the ducts that lead from your gallbladder, liver or pancreas to your small intestine. “And that “If you indeed have gallstones an acute gallstone attack may occur or be made worse after you eat high-fat foods (for example ingesting oil). " What I was addressing is the danger that your cleansing treatment presents to those unfortunate enough to have gallstones. Not every one has this malady.
2 Epson salts do not open the biliary ducts. Epson salt (Magnesium sulfate) does have medical uses. In its prescription form it is used to halt premature labor. If it was effective in the treatment of gallstones don't you think the drug companies would be marketing it as such? After all the pharmaceutical companies are all about turning a profit.
3 By the way, there are other options for dealing with gallstones besides surgery. Your physician is the one who is best equipped whether surgery, or one of the following alternatives is your best option;
Bile salt tablets.
Your doctor may have you take the medication ursodiol (Actigall), which dissolves cholesterol stones over a period of time. The treatment works best on small cholesterol stones, but is only effective about 50 percent of the time. To prevent a recurrence, most people need to take the medication for years or longer.
Sound wave therapy (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy).
This treatment uses high-frequency sound waves to break up gallstones. You then take ursodiol tablets to dissolve the fragments. Sound wave therapy is appropriate for only a small percentage of people with gallstones. If you have more than one stone, your stone is large, or you have acute cholecystitis or cholangitis, you're probably not a good candidate for this treatment. And, as with other nonsurgical therapies, your gallstones are likely to return unless you take ursodiol indefinitely.
Percutaneous electrohydraulic lithotripsy.
This procedure relies on a catheter that's inserted into the gallbladder several weeks prior to the treatment. A small probe is inserted into the catheter to deliver short bursts of energy to break up the stones. This is the only nonsurgical treatment option that can be used on any type of gallstone, including pigment stones. Because this procedure is time-consuming and isn't widely available, it's usually considered only for people with a high risk of surgical complications, such as people with heart disease.
Topical gallstone dissolution
. In this procedure, a small catheter is inserted into the gallbladder. A solution that dissolves cholesterol gallstones is then delivered through the catheter into the gallbladder over a several hour period. This option has lower recurrence rates than medication, but it's still considered experimental and isn't widely available.
4 You are very cavalier in offering medical advice Vinny. You refuse to even accept the possibility what you are advocating could be dangerous. It is sad that the evidence that you use all comes from websites that have a vested financial interest in selling this so called Miracle cure. (Miracle cure is my term for anything that claims to cure everything under the sun.) The shear scope of what the cleanse professes to cure should be a tip of to you that the climes are false
Food cravings, diarrhea, constipation, hernia, flatulence, hemorrhoids, breathing difficulties, hepatitis and other types of infection, high cholesterol, pancreatitis, heart disease, brain disorders, duodenal ulcers, nausea and vomiting, a "bilious" or angry personality, depression, impotence and other sexual problems, prostate diseases, urinary problems, hormonal imbalances, PMT and menopausal symptoms, problems with vision, puffy eyes, all skin disorders, liver spots especially on the back of the hands and facial area, excessive weight or wasting, strong shoulder and back pain, a pain at the top of the shoulder blade, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, dark color under the eyes, coated tongue, scoliosis, gout, asthma, headaches and migraines, tooth and gum problems, yellowness of the eyes and skin, sciatica, numbness and paralysis of legs, joint diseases, osteoporosis, obesity, chronic fatigue, kidney diseases, cancer, MS, ME, cold extremities, excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body, very greasy hair, to name some.
If you can find me an unbiased scientific study supporting all these wild claims I will publically apologize to you right here on this forum. If you can not I suggest you stop making these claims
By the way unbiased means independent review and study by an accredited institution i.e. university, medical journal, FDA report